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Create wallets

Set up wallet contracts

Clone the wallet contracts from the zkevm-contracts repository and install the npm libraries.

git clone
cd ~/zkevm-contracts
npm i

Create wallets

  1. Create a wallets.js file.

    cd ~/zkevm-contracts
    nano wallets.js
  2. Copy/paste the JavaScript code below.

    const ethers = require("ethers");
    async function main() {
      const arrayNames = [
        "## Deployment Address",
        "\\n\\n## Trusted sequencer",
        "\\n\\n## Trusted aggregator",
      for (let i = 0; i < arrayNames.length; i++) {
        const wallet = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();
        console.log(`Address: ${wallet.address}`);
        console.log(`PrvKey: ${wallet._signingKey().privateKey}`);
        console.log(`mnemonic: "${wallet._mnemonic().phrase}"`);
        const keystoreJson = await wallet.encrypt("password");
        console.log(`keystore: ${keystoreJson}`);
    main().catch((e) => {
  3. Generate the wallets.

    node wallets.js | tee wallets.txt

Prepare environment variables

  1. Edit the environment variables file.

    cp .env.example .env        # copies .env.example file into .env
    nano .env                   # opens .env file for editing
  2. Set the following variables.

    MNEMONIC="..."            # from wallets.txt Deployment Address mnemonic
    INFURA_API_KEY="..."      # your API Key from Infura account
    ETHERSCAN_API_KEY="..."   # your Etherscan API key
  3. Send 0.5 Sepolia ETH to the deployment address wallet listed in wallets.txt.

Edit deployment configuration

  1. Open the deploy-parameters.json file.

    cd ~/zkevm-contracts/deployment
    cp deploy_parameters.json.example deploy_parameters.json
    nano deploy_parameters.json
  2. Edit the following parameters to match the generated wallet parameters.

    • trustedSequencer: trusted sequencer address in wallets.txt.
    • trustedAggregator: trusted aggregated address in wallets.txt.
    • admin: deployment address in wallets.txt.
    • zkEVMOwner: deployment address in wallets.txt.
    • timelockAddress: deployment address in wallets.txt.
    • initialZkEVMDeployerAddress: deployment address in wallets.txt.
    • zkEVMDeployerAddress: deployment address in wallets.txt.

Deploy contracts

  1. cd back to zkevm-contract root directory and run the deployment scripts.


    It might be helpful to run these one at a time.

    cd ..
    npm i @openzeppelin/hardhat-upgrades
    npm run deploy:deployer:ZkEVM:goerli
    npm run verify:deployer:ZkEVM:goerli
    npm run prepare:testnet:ZkEVM:goerli && npm run deploy:ZkEVM:test:goerli
    npm run verify:ZkEVM:goerli

    You should see output that looks something like this at the start each time:

    > @0xpolygonhermez/zkevm-contracts@3.0.0 deploy:deployer:ZkEVM:goerli
    > npx hardhat run deployment/2_deployPolygonZKEVMDeployer.js --network goerli
    polygonZkEVMDeployer deployed on:  0x8c4e69A65f84D5Ee0d83095916706Be74C133571


    The scripts auto-deploy the MATIC token contract and the zkEVMDeployer contract if required.

  2. Check the deployment was successful on Etherscan.[deployment-address] <!-- from `wallets.txt` -->
