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Bridge contract deployed on Ethereum and all Polygon rollups. Responsible for managing the token interactions with other networks.



Disable initializers on the implementation following best practices.

  function constructor(
  ) public


The value of _polygonRollupManager on the L2 deployment of the contract is address(0), so an emergency state is not possible for the L2 deployment of the bridge.

  function initialize(
    uint32 _networkID,
    address _gasTokenAddress,
    uint32 _gasTokenNetwork,
    contract IBasePolygonZkEVMGlobalExitRoot _globalExitRootManager,
    address _polygonRollupManager,
    bytes _gasTokenMetadata
  ) external
Name Type Description
_networkID uint32 networkID
_gasTokenAddress address gas token address
_gasTokenNetwork uint32 gas token network
_globalExitRootManager contract IBasePolygonZkEVMGlobalExitRoot global exit root manager address
_polygonRollupManager address polygonZkEVM address
_gasTokenMetadata bytes Abi encoded gas token metadata


Deposit add a new leaf to the Merkle tree.

  function bridgeAsset(
    uint32 destinationNetwork,
    address destinationAddress,
    uint256 amount,
    address token,
    bool forceUpdateGlobalExitRoot,
    bytes permitData
  ) public


  • If this function is called with a reentrant token, it is possible to claimTokens in the same call, thus reducing the supply of tokens on this contract, and actually locking tokens in the contract.
  • Therefore we recommend to third-party bridges that if they do implement reentrant beforeTransfer for some reentrant tokens, not to call any external address.


  • User/UI must be aware of the existing/available networks when choosing the destination network.
Name Type Description
destinationNetwork uint32 Network destination
destinationAddress address Address destination
amount uint256 Amount of tokens
token address Token address, 0 address is reserved for ether
forceUpdateGlobalExitRoot bool Indicates if the new global exit root is updated or not
permitData bytes Raw data of the call permit of the token


Bridge message and send ETH value.

  function bridgeMessage(
    uint32 destinationNetwork,
    address destinationAddress,
    bool forceUpdateGlobalExitRoot,
    bytes metadata
  ) external


  • User/UI must be aware of the existing/available networks when choosing the destination network.
Name Type Description
destinationNetwork uint32 Network destination
destinationAddress address Address destination
forceUpdateGlobalExitRoot bool Indicates if the new global exit root is updated or not
metadata bytes Message metadata


Bridge message and send ETH value.

  function bridgeMessageWETH(
    uint32 destinationNetwork,
    address destinationAddress,
    uint256 amountWETH,
    bool forceUpdateGlobalExitRoot,
    bytes metadata
  ) external


  • User/UI must be aware of the existing/available networks when choosing the destination network
Name Type Description
destinationNetwork uint32 Network destination
destinationAddress address Address destination
amountWETH uint256 Amount of WETH tokens
forceUpdateGlobalExitRoot bool Indicates if the new global exit root is updated or not
metadata bytes Message metadata


Bridge message and send ETH value.

  function _bridgeMessage(
    uint32 destinationNetwork,
    address destinationAddress,
    uint256 amountEther,
    bool forceUpdateGlobalExitRoot,
    bytes metadata
  ) internal
Name Type Description
destinationNetwork uint32 Network destination
destinationAddress address Address destination
amountEther uint256 Amount of ether along with the message
forceUpdateGlobalExitRoot bool Indicates if the new global exit root is updated or not
metadata bytes Message metadata


Verify merkle proof and withdraw tokens/ETH.

  function claimAsset(
    bytes32[32] smtProofLocalExitRoot,
    bytes32[32] smtProofRollupExitRoot,
    uint256 globalIndex,
    bytes32 mainnetExitRoot,
    bytes32 rollupExitRoot,
    uint32 originNetwork,
    address originTokenAddress,
    uint32 destinationNetwork,
    address destinationAddress,
    uint256 amount,
    bytes metadata
  ) external

s | Name | Type | Description | | :— | :— | :------------------------------------------------------------------- | |smtProofLocalExitRoot | bytes32[32] | Smt proof to proof the leaf against the network exit root |smtProofRollupExitRoot | bytes32[32] | Smt proof to proof the rollupLocalExitRoot against the rollups exit root |globalIndex | uint256 | Global index is defined as: | 191 bits | 1 bit | 32 bits | 32 bits | | 0 | mainnetFlag | rollupIndex | localRootIndex | note that only the rollup index will be used only in case the mainnet flag is 0 note that global index do not assert the unused bits to 0. This means that when synching the events, the globalIndex must be decoded the same way that in the Smart contract to avoid possible synch attacks |mainnetExitRoot | bytes32 | Mainnet exit root |rollupExitRoot | bytes32 | Rollup exit root |originNetwork | uint32 | Origin network |originTokenAddress | address | Origin token address, 0 address is reserved for ether |destinationNetwork | uint32 | Network destination |destinationAddress | address | Address destination |amount | uint256 | Amount of tokens |metadata | bytes | Abi encoded metadata if any, empty otherwise


Verify merkle proof and execute message. If the receiving address is an EOA, the call results as a success which means that the amount of ether transfers correctly, but the message does not trigger any execution.

  function claimMessage(
    bytes32[32] smtProofLocalExitRoot,
    bytes32[32] smtProofRollupExitRoot,
    uint256 globalIndex,
    bytes32 mainnetExitRoot,
    bytes32 rollupExitRoot,
    uint32 originNetwork,
    address originAddress,
    uint32 destinationNetwork,
    address destinationAddress,
    uint256 amount,
    bytes metadata
  ) external
Name Type Description
smtProofLocalExitRoot bytes32[32] Smt proof to proof the leaf against the exit root
smtProofRollupExitRoot bytes32[32] Smt proof to proof the rollupLocalExitRoot against the rollups exit root
globalIndex uint256 Global index is defined as:
191 bits 1 bit 32 bits
0 mainnetFlag rollupIndex
note that only the rollup index will be used only in case the mainnet flag is 0
note that global index do not assert the unused bits to 0.
This means that when synching the events, the globalIndex must be decoded the same way that in the Smart contract
to avoid possible synch attacks
mainnetExitRoot bytes32 Mainnet exit root
rollupExitRoot bytes32 Rollup exit root
originNetwork uint32 Origin network
originAddress address Origin address
destinationNetwork uint32 Network destination
destinationAddress address Address destination
amount uint256 message value
metadata bytes Abi encoded metadata if any, empty otherwise


Returns the precalculated address of a wrapper using the token information.

  function precalculatedWrapperAddress(
    uint32 originNetwork,
    address originTokenAddress,
    string name,
    string symbol,
    uint8 decimals
  ) public returns (address)


  • Updating the metadata of a token is not supported.
  • Since the metadata has relevance in the address deployed, this function does not return a valid wrapped address if the metadata provided is not the original one.
Name Type Description
originNetwork uint32 Origin network
originTokenAddress address Origin token address, 0 address is reserved for ether
name string Name of the token
symbol string Symbol of the token
decimals uint8 Decimals of the token


Returns the address of a wrapper using the token information if already exist.

  function getTokenWrappedAddress(
    uint32 originNetwork,
    address originTokenAddress
  ) external returns (address)
Name Type Description
originNetwork uint32 Origin network
originTokenAddress address Origin token address, 0 address is reserved for ether


Function to activate the emergency state. Can only be called by the Polygon ZK-EVM in extreme situations.

  function activateEmergencyState(
  ) external


Function to deactivate the emergency state. Can only be called by the Polygon ZK-EVM.

  function deactivateEmergencyState(
  ) external


Verify leaf and checks that it has not been claimed.

  function _verifyLeaf(
    bytes32[32] smtProofLocalExitRoot,
    bytes32[32] smtProofRollupExitRoot,
    uint256 globalIndex,
    bytes32 mainnetExitRoot,
    bytes32 rollupExitRoot,
    bytes32 leafValue
  ) internal
Name Type Description
smtProofLocalExitRoot bytes32[32] Smt proof
smtProofRollupExitRoot bytes32[32] Smt proof
globalIndex uint256 Index of the leaf
mainnetExitRoot bytes32 Mainnet exit root
rollupExitRoot bytes32 Rollup exit root
leafValue bytes32 leaf value


Function to check if an index is claimed or not.

  function isClaimed(
    uint32 leafIndex,
    uint32 sourceBridgeNetwork
  ) external returns (bool)
Name Type Description
leafIndex uint32 Index
sourceBridgeNetwork uint32 Origin network


Function to update the globalExitRoot if the last deposit is not submitted.

  function updateGlobalExitRoot(
  ) external


Function to update the globalExitRoot.

  function _updateGlobalExitRoot(
  ) internal


Function to call token permit method of extended ERC20 + @param token ERC20 token address.

  function _permit(
    address amount,
    uint256 permitData
  ) internal
Name Type Description
amount address Quantity that is expected to be allowed
permitData uint256 Raw data of the call permit of the token


Internal function that uses create2 to deploy the wrapped tokens.

  function _deployWrappedToken(
    bytes32 salt,
    bytes constructorArgs
  ) internal returns (contract TokenWrapped newWrappedToken)
Name Type Description
salt bytes32 Salt used in create2 params,
tokenInfoHash will be used as salt for all wrappeds except for bridge native WETH, that will be bytes32(0)
constructorArgs bytes Encoded constructor args for the wrapped token


Provides a safe ERC20.symbol version which returns NO_SYMBOL as fallback string.

  function _safeSymbol(
    address token
  ) internal returns (string)
Name Type Description
token address The address of the ERC-20 token contract


Provides a safe version which returns NO_NAME as fallback string.

  function _safeName(
    address token
  ) internal returns (string)
Name Type Description
token address The address of the ERC-20 token contract.


Provides a safe ERC20.decimals version which returns 18 as fallback value.

  function _safeDecimals(
    address token
  ) internal returns (uint8)


  • Tokens with (decimals > 255) are not supported.
Name Type Description
token address The address of the ERC-20 token contract


Function to convert returned data to string; returns NOT_VALID_ENCODING as fallback value.

  function _returnDataToString(
    bytes data
  ) internal returns (string)
Name Type Description
data bytes returned data


Returns the encoded token metadata.

  function getTokenMetadata(
    address token
  ) public returns (bytes)
Name Type Description
token address Address of the token


Returns the precalculated address of a wrapper using the token address.

  function calculateTokenWrapperAddress(
    uint32 originNetwork,
    address originTokenAddress,
    address token
  ) external returns (address)


  • Updating the metadata of a token is not supported.
  • Since the metadata has relevance in the address deployed, this function does not return a valid wrapped address if the metadata provided is not the original one.
Name Type Description
originNetwork uint32 Origin network
originTokenAddress address Origin token address, 0 address is reserved for ether
token address Address of the token to calculate the wrapper address



Emitted when bridge assets or messages to another network.

  event BridgeEvent(


Emitted when a claim is done from another network.

  event ClaimEvent(


Emitted when a new wrapped token is created.

  event NewWrappedToken(