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Network configuration

This guide provides a detailed list of default ports used across Polygon nodes, including Bor and Heimdall. Understanding these ports is crucial for network configuration and effective communication between nodes.

Bor node

Name Port Tags Description
Network Listening Port 30303 Public Port used by Bor for peer connections and synchronization.
RPC Server 8545 Can be Public, Internal RPC port for sending transactions and fetching data. Heimdall uses this port to obtain Bor headers.
WebSocket Server 8546 Can be Public, Internal WebSocket port for real-time updates.
GraphQL Server 8547 Internal GraphQL port for querying data.
Prometheus Server 9091 Can be Public, Monitoring Prometheus APIs for Grafana data source. Can be mapped to ports 80/443 via an Nginx reverse proxy.
Grafana Server 3001 Can be Public, Monitoring Grafana web server. Can be mapped to ports 80/443 via an Nginx reverse proxy.
Pprof Server 7071 Internal, Monitoring Pprof server for collecting Bor metrics.
UDP Discovery 30301 Can be Public, Internal Default port for Bootnode peer discovery.

Heimdall node

Name Port Tags Description
Network Listening Port 30303 Public Port used by Heimdall for peer connections and synchronization.
RPC Server 8545 Can be Public, Internal RPC port for sending transactions and fetching data. Heimdall uses this port to obtain Bor headers.
WebSocket Server 8546 Can be Public, Internal WebSocket port for real-time updates.
GraphQL Server 8547 Internal GraphQL port for querying data.
Prometheus Server 9091 Can be Public, Monitoring Prometheus APIs for Grafana data source. Can be mapped to ports 80/443 via an Nginx reverse proxy.
Grafana Server 3001 Can be Public, Monitoring Grafana web server. Can be mapped to ports 80/443 via an Nginx reverse proxy.
Pprof Server 7071 Internal, Monitoring Pprof server for collecting Heimdall metrics.
UDP Discovery 30301 Can be Public, Internal Default port for Bootnode peer discovery.