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Set commission rate

You can set up and change your commission as a validator.

A validator is entitled to charge any commission rate. The minimum commission would be 0% and the maximum commission would be 100% of the rewards earned.

You are allowed to change the commission rates as many times as you would like.

As a validator, it is one of your responsibilities to inform the community on commission changes. See Validator Responsibilities.

Set up your commission rate as a validator

You set up the commission rate as part of your initial validator staking process. See Validator Staking Operations.

Change your commission rate

You can change your commission rate.

  1. With your owner address, login to the staking dashboard.
  2. On your profile, select Edit Profile.
  3. In the Commission field, enter your new commission rate.

Once you have confirmed and signed the transaction your commission rate will be set.

Once the commission is updated, there is a cool down period of 80 checkpoints.