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Staking module manages validator related transactions and state for Heimdall. Note that a validator stakes their tokens on the Ethereum chain and becomes a validator. Respective validators send the transactions on Heimdall using necessary parameters to acknowledge the Ethereum stake change. Once the majority of the validators agree on the change on the stake, this module saves the validator information on Heimdall state.


Stake management flow


MsgValidatorJoin handles the staking when a new validator joins the system. Once validator calls stake or stakeFor in StakingManager.sol on Ethereum, and the new Staked event is emitted.


 * Staked event - emitted whenever new validator 
 * @param signer           Signer address for the validator
 * @param validatorId      Validator id
 * @param activationEpoch  Activation epoch for validator
 * @param amount           Staked amount
 * @param total            Total stake
 * @param signerPubKey     Signer public key (required by Heimdall/Tendermint)
event Staked(
    address indexed signer,
    uint256 indexed validatorId,
    uint256 indexed activationEpoch,
    uint256 amount,
    uint256 total,
    bytes signerPubkey

activationEpoch is the checkpoint count from where a validator will become active on Heimdall.

Stake call on smart contract fails if slots are unavailable. Validator slots are the way to restrict a number of validators in the system. Slots are managed on Ethereum smart contracts.

Here is ValidatorJoin message for Heimdall transaction:

type MsgValidatorJoin struct {
 From         hmTypes.HeimdallAddress `json:"from"`
 ID           hmTypes.ValidatorID     `json:"id"`
 SignerPubKey hmTypes.PubKey          `json:"pub_key"`
 TxHash       hmTypes.HeimdallHash    `json:"tx_hash"`
 LogIndex     uint64                  `json:"log_index"`


MsgStakeUpdate handles the stake update when a validator re-stakes, or a new delegation comes in. The new StakeUpdate event is emitted in both cases.

 * Stake update event - emitted whenever stake gets updated 
 * @param validatorId      Validator id
 * @param newAmount        New staked amount
event StakeUpdate(
 uint256 indexed validatorId, 
 uint256 indexed newAmount

Here is MsgStakeUpdate message for Heimdall transaction:

// MsgStakeUpdate represents stake update
type MsgStakeUpdate struct {
 From     hmTypes.HeimdallAddress `json:"from"`
 ID       hmTypes.ValidatorID     `json:"id"`
 TxHash   hmTypes.HeimdallHash    `json:"tx_hash"`
 LogIndex uint64                  `json:"log_index"`


MsgValidatorExit handles the validator exit process after a validator initiates the exit process on Ethereum. It emits the SignerUpdate event.

 * Unstake init event - emitted whenever validator initiates the exit
 * @param user                Signer
 * @param validatorId         Validator id
 * @param deactivationEpoch   Deactivation epoch for validator
 * @param amount              Unstaked amount
event UnstakeInit(
    address indexed user,
    uint256 indexed validatorId,
    uint256 deactivationEpoch,
    uint256 indexed amount

Here is MsgValidatorExit message for Heimdall transaction:

type MsgValidatorExit struct {
 From     hmTypes.HeimdallAddress `json:"from"`
 ID       hmTypes.ValidatorID     `json:"id"`
 TxHash   hmTypes.HeimdallHash    `json:"tx_hash"`
 LogIndex uint64                  `json:"log_index"`


MsgSignerUpdate handles the signer update when a validator updates signer key on Ethereum. It emits SignerUpdate event.

 * Signer change event - emitted whenever signer key changes
 * @param validatorId      Validator id
 * @param oldSigner        Current old signer
 * @param newSigner        New signer
 * @param signerPubkey     New signer public key
event SignerChange(
    uint256 indexed validatorId,
    address indexed oldSigner,
    address indexed newSigner,
    bytes signerPubkey

Here is MsgSignerUpdate message for Heimdall transaction:

// MsgSignerUpdate signer update struct
type MsgSignerUpdate struct {
 From            hmTypes.HeimdallAddress `json:"from"`
 ID              hmTypes.ValidatorID     `json:"id"`
 NewSignerPubKey hmTypes.PubKey          `json:"pubKey"`
 TxHash          hmTypes.HeimdallHash    `json:"tx_hash"`
 LogIndex        uint64                  `json:"log_index"`

CLI Commands

Validator details

By signer address

heimdallcli query staking validator-info \
 --validator=<signer-address> \
 --chain-id <chain-id>

This command should display the following output:


By validator address

heimdallcli query staking validator-info \
 --id=<validator-id> \

This command should display the following output:


Validator join

This command sends validator-join command through CLI:

heimdallcli tx staking validator-join \
 --signer-pubkey <signer-public-key> \
 --tx-hash <tx-hash>   \
 --log-index <log-index> \ 
 --chain-id <chain-id>

tx-hash value must be the same as Ethereum transaction hash which emitted Staked event, and log-index must be the same as the index at which the event is emitted.


Name Method Endpoint
Get Heimdall validator set GET /staking/validator-set
Get validator details GET /staking/validator/validator-id

All query APIs will result in following format:

 "height": "1",
 "result": {