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  function constructor(
    contract IPolygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootV2 _globalExitRootManager,
    contract IERC20Upgradeable _pol,
    contract IPolygonZkEVMBridge _bridgeAddress
  ) public
Name Type Description
_globalExitRootManager contract IPolygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootV2 Global exit root manager address
_pol contract IERC20Upgradeable POL token address
_bridgeAddress contract IPolygonZkEVMBridge Bridge address


  function initialize(
    address trustedAggregator,
    uint64 _pendingStateTimeout,
    uint64 _trustedAggregatorTimeout,
    address admin,
    address timelock,
    address emergencyCouncil,
    contract PolygonZkEVMExistentEtrog polygonZkEVM,
    contract IVerifierRollup zkEVMVerifier,
    uint64 zkEVMForkID,
    uint64 zkEVMChainID
  ) external
Name Type Description
trustedAggregator address Trusted aggregator address
_pendingStateTimeout uint64 Pending state timeout
_trustedAggregatorTimeout uint64 Trusted aggregator timeout
admin address Admin of the rollup manager
timelock address Timelock address
emergencyCouncil address Emergency council address
polygonZkEVM contract PolygonZkEVMExistentEtrog New deployed Polygon zkEVM which will be initialized wiht previous values
zkEVMVerifier contract IVerifierRollup Verifier of the new zkEVM deployed
zkEVMForkID uint64 Fork id of the new zkEVM deployed
zkEVMChainID uint64 Chain id of the new zkEVM deployed


  function addNewRollupType(
    address consensusImplementation,
    contract IVerifierRollup verifier,
    uint64 forkID,
    uint8 genesis,
    bytes32 description
  ) external
Name Type Description
consensusImplementation address Consensus implementation
verifier contract IVerifierRollup Verifier address
forkID uint64 ForkID of the verifier
genesis uint8 Genesis block of the rollup
description bytes32 Description of the rollup type


  function obsoleteRollupType(
    uint32 rollupTypeID
  ) external
Name Type Description
rollupTypeID uint32 Rollup type to obsolete


  function createNewRollup(
    uint32 rollupTypeID,
    uint64 chainID,
    address admin,
    address sequencer,
    address gasTokenAddress,
    string sequencerURL,
    string networkName
  ) external
Name Type Description
rollupTypeID uint32 Rollup type to deploy
chainID uint64 ChainID of the rollup, must be a new one
admin address Admin of the new created rollup
sequencer address Sequencer of the new created rollup
gasTokenAddress address Indicates the token address that will be used to pay gas fees in the new rollup
Note if a wrapped token of the bridge is used, the original network and address of this wrapped will be used instead
sequencerURL string Sequencer URL of the new created rollup
networkName string Network name of the new created rollup


Add an already deployed rollup.

  function addExistingRollup(
    contract IPolygonRollupBase rollupAddress,
    contract IVerifierRollup verifier,
    uint64 forkID,
    uint64 chainID,
    bytes32 genesis,
    uint8 rollupCompatibilityID
  ) external


  • This rollup does not follow any rollupType.
Name Type Description
rollupAddress contract IPolygonRollupBase Rollup address
verifier contract IVerifierRollup Verifier address, must be added before
forkID uint64 Fork id of the added rollup
chainID uint64 Chain id of the added rollup
genesis bytes32 Genesis block for this rollup
rollupCompatibilityID uint8 Compatibility ID for the added rollup


Add an already deployed rollup.

  function _addExistingRollup(
    contract IPolygonRollupBase rollupAddress,
    contract IVerifierRollup verifier,
    uint64 forkID,
    uint64 chainID,
    uint8 rollupCompatibilityID,
    uint64 lastVerifiedBatch
  ) internal returns (struct PolygonRollupManager.RollupData rollup)


  • This rollup does not follow any rollupType.
Name Type Description
rollupAddress contract IPolygonRollupBase Rollup address
verifier contract IVerifierRollup Verifier address, must be added before
forkID uint64 Fork id of the added rollup
chainID uint64 Chain id of the added rollup
rollupCompatibilityID uint8 Compatibility ID for the added rollup
lastVerifiedBatch uint64 Last verified batch before adding the rollup


Upgrade an existing rollup.

  function updateRollup(
    contract ITransparentUpgradeableProxy rollupContract,
    uint32 newRollupTypeID,
    bytes upgradeData
  ) external
Name Type Description
rollupContract contract ITransparentUpgradeableProxy Rollup consensus proxy address
newRollupTypeID uint32 New rolluptypeID to upgrade to
upgradeData bytes Upgrade data


Sequence batches, callback called by one of the consensus rollups managed by this contract.

  function onSequenceBatches(
    uint64 newSequencedBatches,
    bytes32 newAccInputHash
  ) external returns (uint64)
Name Type Description
newSequencedBatches uint64 Number of batches sequenced
newAccInputHash bytes32 New accumulate input hash


Allows an aggregator to verify multiple batches.

  function verifyBatches(
    uint32 rollupID,
    uint64 pendingStateNum,
    uint64 initNumBatch,
    uint64 finalNewBatch,
    bytes32 newLocalExitRoot,
    bytes32 newStateRoot,
    address beneficiary,
    bytes32[24] proof
  ) external
Name Type Description
rollupID uint32 Rollup identifier
pendingStateNum uint64 Init pending state, 0 if consolidated state is used
initNumBatch uint64 Batch which the aggregator starts the verification
finalNewBatch uint64 Last batch aggregator intends to verify
newLocalExitRoot bytes32 New local exit root once the batch is processed
newStateRoot bytes32 New State root once the batch is processed
beneficiary address Address that will receive the verification reward
proof bytes32[24] Fflonk proof


Allows a trusted aggregator to verify multiple batches.

  function verifyBatchesTrustedAggregator(
    uint32 rollupID,
    uint64 pendingStateNum,
    uint64 initNumBatch,
    uint64 finalNewBatch,
    bytes32 newLocalExitRoot,
    bytes32 newStateRoot,
    address beneficiary,
    bytes32[24] proof
  ) external
Name Type Description
rollupID uint32 Rollup identifier
pendingStateNum uint64 Init pending state, 0 if consolidated state is used
initNumBatch uint64 Batch which the aggregator starts the verification
finalNewBatch uint64 Last batch aggregator intends to verify
newLocalExitRoot bytes32 New local exit root once the batch is processed
newStateRoot bytes32 New State root once the batch is processed
beneficiary address Address that will receive the verification reward
proof bytes32[24] Fflonk proof


Verify and reward batches internal function.

  function _verifyAndRewardBatches(
    struct PolygonRollupManager.RollupData rollup,
    uint64 pendingStateNum,
    uint64 initNumBatch,
    uint64 finalNewBatch,
    bytes32 newLocalExitRoot,
    bytes32 newStateRoot,
    address beneficiary,
    bytes32[24] proof
  ) internal
Name Type Description
rollup struct PolygonRollupManager.RollupData Rollup Data storage pointer that will be used to the verification
pendingStateNum uint64 Init pending state, 0 if consolidated state is used
initNumBatch uint64 Batch which the aggregator starts the verification
finalNewBatch uint64 Last batch aggregator intends to verify
newLocalExitRoot bytes32 New local exit root once the batch is processed
newStateRoot bytes32 New State root once the batch is processed
beneficiary address Address that will receive the verification reward
proof bytes32[24] Fflonk proof


Internal function to consolidate the state automatically once sequence or verify batches are called. It tries to consolidate the first and the middle pending state in the queue.

  function _tryConsolidatePendingState(
  ) internal


Consolidates any pending state that has already exceed the pendingStateTimeout. Can be called by the trusted aggregator, which can consolidate any state without the timeout restrictions.

  function consolidatePendingState(
    uint32 rollupID,
    uint64 pendingStateNum
  ) external
Name Type Description
rollupID uint32 Rollup identifier
pendingStateNum uint64 Pending state to consolidate


Internal function to consolidate any pending state that has already exceed the pendingStateTimeout.

  function _consolidatePendingState(
    struct PolygonRollupManager.RollupData rollup,
    uint64 pendingStateNum
  ) internal
Name Type Description
rollup struct PolygonRollupManager.RollupData Rollup data storage pointer
pendingStateNum uint64 Pending state to consolidate


Allows the trusted aggregator to override the pending state if it is possible to prove a different state root given the same batches.

  function overridePendingState(
    uint32 rollupID,
    uint64 initPendingStateNum,
    uint64 finalPendingStateNum,
    uint64 initNumBatch,
    uint64 finalNewBatch,
    bytes32 newLocalExitRoot,
    bytes32 newStateRoot,
    bytes32[24] proof
  ) external
Name Type Description
rollupID uint32 Rollup identifier
initPendingStateNum uint64 Init pending state, 0 if consolidated state is used
finalPendingStateNum uint64 Final pending state, that will be used to compare with the newStateRoot
initNumBatch uint64 Batch which the aggregator starts the verification
finalNewBatch uint64 Last batch aggregator intends to verify
newLocalExitRoot bytes32 New local exit root once the batch is processed
newStateRoot bytes32 New State root once the batch is processed
proof bytes32[24] Fflonk proof


Activates the emergency state if its possible to prove a different state root given the same batches.

  function proveNonDeterministicPendingState(
    uint32 rollupID,
    uint64 initPendingStateNum,
    uint64 finalPendingStateNum,
    uint64 initNumBatch,
    uint64 finalNewBatch,
    bytes32 newLocalExitRoot,
    bytes32 newStateRoot,
    bytes32[24] proof
  ) external
Name Type Description
rollupID uint32 Rollup identifier
initPendingStateNum uint64 Init pending state, 0 if consolidated state is used
finalPendingStateNum uint64 Final pending state, that will be used to compare with the newStateRoot
initNumBatch uint64 Batch which the aggregator starts the verification
finalNewBatch uint64 Last batch aggregator intends to verify
newLocalExitRoot bytes32 New local exit root once the batch is processed
newStateRoot bytes32 New State root once the batch is processed
proof bytes32[24] Fflonk proof


Internal function that proves a different state root given the same batches to verify.

  function _proveDistinctPendingState(
    struct PolygonRollupManager.RollupData rollup,
    uint64 initPendingStateNum,
    uint64 finalPendingStateNum,
    uint64 initNumBatch,
    uint64 finalNewBatch,
    bytes32 newLocalExitRoot,
    bytes32 newStateRoot,
    bytes32[24] proof
  ) internal
Name Type Description
rollup struct PolygonRollupManager.RollupData Rollup Data struct that will be checked
initPendingStateNum uint64 Init pending state, 0 if consolidated state is used
finalPendingStateNum uint64 Final pending state, that will be used to compare with the newStateRoot
initNumBatch uint64 Batch which the aggregator starts the verification
finalNewBatch uint64 Last batch aggregator intends to verify
newLocalExitRoot bytes32 New local exit root once the batch is processed
newStateRoot bytes32 New State root once the batch is processed
proof bytes32[24] Fflonk proof


Function to update the batch fee based on the new verified batches. The batch fee is not updated when the trusted aggregator verifies batches.

  function _updateBatchFee(
    struct PolygonRollupManager.RollupData newLastVerifiedBatch
  ) internal
Name Type Description
newLastVerifiedBatch struct PolygonRollupManager.RollupData New last verified batch


Function to activate emergency state, which also enables the emergency mode on both PolygonRollupManager and PolygonZkEVMBridge contracts. If not called by the owner, it must not have been aggregated within a _HALT_AGGREGATION_TIMEOUT period and an emergency state should not have happened in the same period.

  function activateEmergencyState(
  ) external


Function to deactivate emergency state on both PolygonRollupManager and PolygonZkEVMBridge contracts.

  function deactivateEmergencyState(
  ) external


Internal function to activate emergency state on both PolygonRollupManager and PolygonZkEVMBridge contracts.

  function _activateEmergencyState(
  ) internal


Set a new pending state timeout. The timeout can only be lowered, except if emergency state is active.

  function setTrustedAggregatorTimeout(
    uint64 newTrustedAggregatorTimeout
  ) external
Name Type Description
newTrustedAggregatorTimeout uint64 Trusted aggregator timeout


Set a new trusted aggregator timeout. The timeout can only be lowered, except if emergency state is active.

  function setPendingStateTimeout(
    uint64 newPendingStateTimeout
  ) external
Name Type Description
newPendingStateTimeout uint64 Trusted aggregator timeout


Set a new multiplier batch fee.

  function setMultiplierBatchFee(
    uint16 newMultiplierBatchFee
  ) external
Name Type Description
newMultiplierBatchFee uint16 multiplier batch fee


Set a new verify batch time target. This value will only be relevant once the aggregation is decentralized, so the trustedAggregatorTimeout should be zero or very close to zero.

  function setVerifyBatchTimeTarget(
    uint64 newVerifyBatchTimeTarget
  ) external
Name Type Description
newVerifyBatchTimeTarget uint64 Verify batch time target


  function setBatchFee(
    uint256 newBatchFee
  ) external
Name Type Description
newBatchFee uint256 new batch fee


Get the current rollup exit root: Compute the rollup exit root by using all the local exit roots of all rollups.

  function getRollupExitRoot(
  ) public returns (bytes32)


  function getLastVerifiedBatch(
  ) public returns (uint64)


  function _getLastVerifiedBatch(
  ) internal returns (uint64)


Returns a boolean that indicates if the pendingStateNum is consolidate-able.

  function isPendingStateConsolidable(
    uint32 rollupID,
    uint64 pendingStateNum
  ) public returns (bool)
Name Type Description
rollupID uint32 Rollup id
pendingStateNum uint64 Pending state number to check


  • This function does not check if the pending state currently exists, or if it’s consolidated already.


Returns a boolean that indicates if the pendingStateNum is consolidate-able.

  function _isPendingStateConsolidable(
    struct PolygonRollupManager.RollupData rollup,
    uint64 pendingStateNum
  ) internal returns (bool)
Name Type Description
rollup struct PolygonRollupManager.RollupData Rollup data storage pointer
pendingStateNum uint64 Pending state number to check


  • This function does not check if the pending state currently exists, or if it’s consolidated already.


Function to calculate the reward to verify a single batch.

  function calculateRewardPerBatch(
  ) public returns (uint256)


This function is used instead of the automatic public view one.

  function getBatchFee(
  ) public returns (uint256)


  function getForcedBatchFee(
  ) public returns (uint256)


Function to calculate the input snark bytes.

  function getInputSnarkBytes(
    uint32 rollupID,
    uint64 initNumBatch,
    uint64 finalNewBatch,
    bytes32 newLocalExitRoot,
    bytes32 oldStateRoot,
    bytes32 newStateRoot
  ) public returns (bytes)
Name Type Description
rollupID uint32 Rollup id used to calculate the input snark bytes
initNumBatch uint64 Batch which the aggregator starts the verification
finalNewBatch uint64 Last batch aggregator intends to verify
newLocalExitRoot bytes32 New local exit root once the batch is processed
oldStateRoot bytes32 State root before batch is processed
newStateRoot bytes32 New State root once the batch is processed


Function to calculate the input snark bytes.

  function _getInputSnarkBytes(
    struct PolygonRollupManager.RollupData rollup,
    uint64 initNumBatch,
    uint64 finalNewBatch,
    bytes32 newLocalExitRoot,
    bytes32 oldStateRoot,
    bytes32 newStateRoot
  ) internal returns (bytes)
Name Type Description
rollup struct PolygonRollupManager.RollupData Rollup data storage pointer
initNumBatch uint64 Batch which the aggregator starts the verification
finalNewBatch uint64 Last batch aggregator intends to verify
newLocalExitRoot bytes32 New local exit root once the batch is processed
oldStateRoot bytes32 State root before batch is processed
newStateRoot bytes32 New State root once the batch is processed


Function to check if the state root is inside of the prime field.

  function _checkStateRootInsidePrime(
    uint256 newStateRoot
  ) internal returns (bool)
Name Type Description
newStateRoot uint256 New State root once the batch is processed


Get rollup state root given a batch number.

  function getRollupBatchNumToStateRoot(
    uint32 rollupID,
    uint64 batchNum
  ) public returns (bytes32)
Name Type Description
rollupID uint32 Rollup identifier
batchNum uint64 Batch number


Get rollup sequence batches struct given a batch number.

  function getRollupSequencedBatches(
    uint32 rollupID,
    uint64 batchNum
  ) public returns (struct LegacyZKEVMStateVariables.SequencedBatchData)
Name Type Description
rollupID uint32 Rollup identifier
batchNum uint64 Batch number


Get rollup sequence pending state struct given a batch number.

  function getRollupPendingStateTransitions(
    uint32 rollupID,
    uint64 batchNum
  ) public returns (struct LegacyZKEVMStateVariables.PendingState)
Name Type Description
rollupID uint32 Rollup identifier
batchNum uint64 Batch number



Emitted when a new rollup type is added.

  event AddNewRollupType(


Emitted when a a rollup type is obsoleted.

  event ObsoleteRollupType(


Emitted when a new rollup is created based on a rollupType.

  event CreateNewRollup(


Emitted when an existing rollup is added.

  event AddExistingRollup(


Emitted when a rollup is updated.

  event UpdateRollup(


Emitted when a new verifier is added.

  event OnSequenceBatches(


Emitted when an aggregator verifies batches.

  event VerifyBatches(


Emitted when the trusted aggregator verifies batches.

  event VerifyBatchesTrustedAggregator(


Emitted when pending state is consolidated.

  event ConsolidatePendingState(


Emitted when is proved a different state given the same batches.

  event ProveNonDeterministicPendingState(


Emitted when the trusted aggregator overrides pending state.

  event OverridePendingState(


Emitted when is updated the trusted aggregator timeout.

  event SetTrustedAggregatorTimeout(


Emitted when is updated the pending state timeout.

  event SetPendingStateTimeout(


Emitted when is updated the multiplier batch fee.

  event SetMultiplierBatchFee(


Emitted when is updated the verify batch timeout

  event SetVerifyBatchTimeTarget(


Emitted when is updated the trusted aggregator address.

  event SetTrustedAggregator(


Emitted when is updated the batch fee.

  event SetBatchFee(