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Configure node deployment

Set up

  1. Create some working directories.


    The following commands take care of directory placements where non-obvious.

    mkdir -p ~/zkevm/data/{statedb,pooldb} ~/zkevm/zkevm-config ~/zkevm/zkevm-node
  2. Populate the directories by fetching data from latest mainnet node release.

    export ZKEVM_NET="mainnet"
    export ZKEVM_DIR="zkevm"
    curl -L$ > $ && unzip -o $ -d $ZKEVM_DIR && rm $
  3. Go to the zkevm/zkevm-config directory and create an .env file and open it for editing.

    cd ~/zkevm/zkevm-config/
    nano .env
  4. In the .env file, set the following:

    ZKEVM_NODE_ETHERMAN_URL = ""  # set valid Sepolia RPC endpoint
    ZKEVM_NODE_STATEDB_DATA_DIR = "~/zkevm/data/statedb"
    ZKEVM_NODE_POOLDB_DATA_DIR = "~/zkevm/data/pooldb"

    Workaround if you have configuration issues

    • You may have to hardcode these variables into the mainnet/docker-compose.yaml file.
      • Also, the ZKEVM_NETWORK variable which you can set to mainnet.
      • Note, there is more than one reference to hardcode in.

Approve POL token for sequencer

  1. Launch a Hardhat console connected to the Sepolia network.

    cd ~/zkevm-contracts
    npx hardhat console --network sepolia
  2. Add the missing data as directed and copy/paste the following code into the open console.

    const provider = ethers.getDefaultProvider("<SEPOLIA_RPC_NODE>"); // set Sepolia RPC node
    const privateKey = "<TRUSTED_SEQUENCER_PK>"; // from wallets.txt 
    const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);
    const polTokenFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory(
    polTokenContract = polTokenFactory.attach("<polTokenAddress>"); // from ~/zkevm-contracts/deployments/deploy_output.json 
    polTokenContractWallet = polTokenContract.connect(wallet);
    await polTokenContractWallet.approve("<polygonZkEVMAddress>", ethers.parseEther("100.0")); // from ~/zkevm-contracts/deployments/deploy_output.json 

Configure genesis

  1. Copy the genesis.json file into the appropriate location.

    cp ~/zkevm-contracts/deployment/v2/genesis.json ~/zkevm/mainnet/config/environments/mainnet/public.genesis.config.json
  2. Copy/paste the json below to the head of the public.genesis.config.json file inputting the data from ~/zkevm-contracts/deployments/v2/deploy_output.json.


    The genesisBlockNumber is called deploymentBlockNumber in deploy_output.json.

    "l1Config" : {
        "chainId": 11155111,
        "polygonZkEVMAddress": "", 
        "polTokenAddress": "", 
        "polygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootAddress": ""  
    "genesisBlockNumber": <number-here>,  

Update node config

Add the following missing parameters to the ~/zkevm/mainnet/config/environments/mainnet/public.node.config.toml file.


If you’re having trouble locating the configuration file, try looking for node.config.toml, since it may exist under that name in some cases. Once you’ve added the missing parameters, rename the file to public.node.config.toml.

  • ApiKey # for Etherscan
  • URL # for Sepolia node, under [ETHERMAN]

Add wallet keystores

Copy/paste the keystore value from wallets.txt for the sequencer and aggregator respectively into the following files.

# paste only the keystore value from wallets.txt in each respective file
nano ~/zkevm/zkevm-config/sequencer.keystore
nano ~/zkevm/zkevm-config/aggregator.keystore
