This document is a DIY implementation guide for the PIL-STARK proof-verification system.
Before delving into the implementation, we first ensure the boundary constraints in the \(\texttt{mFibonacci.pil}\) code are not hardcoded. The aim here is to implement these values as \(\texttt{publics}\). This subsequently populates the \(\texttt{publics}\)’ field in the parsed \(\texttt{\{ \} fibonacci.pil.json}\) file.
Boundary constraints as publics¶
As seen in the description of PIL-STARK, one of the outputs of the SM-prover is the \(\texttt{publics}\), which are publicly known values. However, looking back at our demonstration, where the \(\texttt{mFibonacci.pil}\) file was compiled with \(\texttt{PILCOM}\), you can notice that the \(\texttt{publics}\) field in the parsed \(\texttt{\{ \} fibonacci.pil.json}\) file is empty. Check \(\text{line 6}\) in the provided snapshot of the “\(\texttt{\{ \} fibonacci.pil.json}\)” file, and notice it reads thus:
This is so, because no \(\texttt{publics}\) were defined in the \(\texttt{mFibonacci.pil}\) file that we compiled.
Again, you’ll notice that the 1024-th value of the polynomial \(\texttt{a}\) was hardcoded as \(\mathtt{144115188042301440}\) in \(\texttt{line}\) \(\texttt{13}\), which checks the boundary constraint:
This is undesirable because any change in the initial conditions would yield a wrong proof, which the verifier would reject.
The aim in this subsection is to therefore, rewrite the boundary constraint in the \(\texttt{mFibonacci.pil}\) file such that, instead of hardcoding this public value, it is rather generically defined. So, \(\mathtt{144115188042301440}\), is replaced with a public variable called “\(\texttt{out}\)”. The new variable must be declared, and it is defined as;
The modified boundary constraint check in \(\texttt{mFibonacci.pil}\) now looks like this;
where the :
colon-prefix indicates a read of the value stored at \(\texttt{out}\).
The modified \(\texttt{mFibonacci.pil}\) file, before compilation with \(\texttt{PILCOM}\), is now as follows,
This modified \(\texttt{mFibonacci.pil}\) file can be compiled with \(\texttt{PILCOM}\) in the manner demonstrated earlier. The resulting parsed PIL file, “\(\texttt{\{ \} mfibonacci.pil.json}\)”, now reflects some information in the “\(\texttt{publics}\)” field, as shown below.
PIL-STARK implementation guide¶
Here is a step-by-step guide on how PIL-STARK is implemented. You are encouraged to Do-It-Yourself by following the steps provided below.
Initialise a node project¶
The first step is to make a new subdirectory named mfibonacci_sm
, switch directory to it and initialise a node project as indicated below;
npm init -y
A successful initialisation looks like this:
Next, install the required dependencies with the following command,
npm install pil-stark yargs chai
The installation takes seconds, and again the results looks like this,
Create input files¶
First of all, the overall inputs to PIL-STARK are; the \(\texttt{.pil}\) file describing the mFibonacci state machine, the STARK configuration \(\texttt{.json}\) file and the inputs \(\texttt{.json}\) file, which contains initial values of the mFibonacci state machine.
- Either move the modified version of the \(\texttt{mfibonacci.pil}\) file to the \(\mathtt{mfibonacci\_sm}\) subdirectory, or create a new file afresh at this subdirectory. Call it \(\texttt{mfibonacci.pil}\). That is, copy the text below to the new file. Save the file.
constant %N = 1024;
namespace mFibonacci(%N);
pol constant ISLAST; // 0,0,0,0,.....,1
pol commit a, b;
pol ab = a*b;
// publics
public out = a(%N-1);
// transition constraints
(1-ISLAST) * (a' - b) = 0;
(1-ISLAST) * (b' - (ab)) = 0;
// boundary constraint
- Next, create a new file and call it
. Copy the code provided below into this JSON file, and save it.
"nBits": 10,
"nBitsExt": 11,
"nQueries": 8,
"verificationHashType": "GL",
"steps": [
{"nBits": 11},
{"nBits": 7},
{"nBits": 3}
- Create a new file and call it
. Populate this JSON file with the initial values of the mFibonacci state machine of your choice (the numbers must be positive integers). We use here \(\texttt{[ 234, 135 ]}\). Simply type the 2-element array in themfib.input.json
file and save it.
Create the executor¶
In our earlier description of PIL-STARK, the \(\texttt{executor}\) was ‘split’ into the setup executor and the prover executor. This was done for the sake of simplicity. The two \(\texttt{executors}\) are but one program that generates the evaluations of the constant polynomial, as well as the evaluations of the committed polynomials.
Create a new file and call it executor_mfibonacci.js
. Copy the code-text shown below, into this .js
file and save it in the mfibonacci_sm
const { FGL } = require("pil-stark");
module.exports.buildConstants = async function (pols) {
const N = 1024;
for ( let i=0; i<N; i++) {
pols.ISLAST[i] = (i == N-1) ? 1n : 0n;}
module.exports.execute = async function (pols, input) {
const N = 1024;
pols.a[0] = BigInt(input[0]);
pols.b[0] = BigInt(input[1]);
for(let i=1; i<N; i++){
pols.a[i] = pols.b[i-1];
pols.b[i] = FGL.mul(pols.a[i-1], pols.b[i-1]);
return pols.a[N-1];
Create PIL-STARK proof generator and verifier¶
Finally, create the PIL-STARK proof generator and verifier by creating a new file (using a code editor) and name it mfib_gen_and_prove.js
Copy the code-text shown below, into this mfib_gen_and_prove.js
file and save it in the mfibonacci_sm
const { FGL, starkSetup, starkGen, starkVerify } = require("pil-stark");
const { newConstantPolsArray, newCommitPolsArray, compile, verifyPil } = require("pilcom");
const path = require("path");
// Files
const pilFile = path.join(__dirname, "mfibonacci.pil");
const input = require("./mfib.input.json");
const mFibExecutor = require("./executor_mfibonacci");
const starkStruct = require("./mfib.starkstruct.json");
async function generateAndVerifyPilStark() {
// Generate constants (preprocessed)
const pil = await compile(FGL, pilFile);
const constPols = newConstantPolsArray(pil);
const cmPols = newCommitPolsArray(pil);
await mFibExecutor.buildConstants(constPols.mFibonacci);
const executionResult = await mFibExecutor.execute(cmPols.mFibonacci, input);
// Generate trace
const evaluationPilResult = await verifyPil(FGL, pil, cmPols , constPols);
if (evaluationPilResult.length != 0) {
console.log("Abort: the execution trace generated does not satisfy the PIL description!");
for (let i=0; i < evaluationPilResult.length; i++) {
console.log(pilVerificationResult[i]); } return;
} else {
console.log("Continue: execution trace matches the PIL!"); }
// Setup for the stark
const setup = await starkSetup(constPols, pil, starkStruct);
// Generate the stark
const proverResult = await starkGen(cmPols,constPols,setup.constTree,setup.starkInfo);
// Verify the stark
const verifierResult= await starkVerify(proverResult.proof, proverResult.publics, setup.constRoot,setup.starkInfo);
if (verifierResult === true) { console.log("VALID proof!");
} else { console.log("INVALID proof!"); }
Run the mfib_gen_and_prove.js
node mfib_gen_and_prove.js
After a long reporting on all the checks made, a successful STARK generation and its verification is indicated with a \(\texttt{VALID proof!}\) message. If you used different filenames from ours, you might have to do some light debugging.