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Start node

Start node

From the zkevm root directory, run the following:

sudo docker compose -f mainnet/docker-compose.yml up

This command spins up the following services:

  • RPC node
  • Synchronizer
  • State DB
  • Pool DB
  • Mock prover

Log sample

Logs sample
zkevm-rpc         | /go/pkg/mod/
zkevm-rpc         |*Command).Run
zkevm-rpc         | /go/pkg/mod/
zkevm-rpc         |*App).RunContext
zkevm-rpc         | /go/pkg/mod/
zkevm-rpc         |*App).Run
zkevm-rpc         | /go/pkg/mod/
zkevm-rpc         | main.main
zkevm-rpc         | /src/cmd/main.go:191
zkevm-rpc         | runtime.main
zkevm-rpc         | /usr/local/go/src/runtime/proc.go:267
zkevm-rpc         | 2024-01-24T11:32:03.043Z INFO config/config.go:163 config file not found {"pid": 1, "version": "v0.4.4"}
zkevm-rpc         | Version:      v0.4.4
zkevm-rpc         | 2024-01-24T11:32:03.045Z INFO cmd/run.go:52 Starting application {"pid": 1, "version": "v0.4.4"}
zkevm-rpc         | Git revision: 9ef6f20
zkevm-rpc         | Git branch:   HEAD
zkevm-rpc         | Go version:   go1.21.5
zkevm-rpc         | Built:        Tue, 12 Dec 2023 17:18:45 +0000
zkevm-rpc         | OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
zkevm-rpc         | 2024-01-24T11:32:03.054Z ERROR db/db.go:117 error getting migrations count: ERROR: relation "public.gorp_migrations" does not exist (SQLSTATE 42P01)
zkevm-rpc         | /src/log/log.go:142
zkevm-rpc         | /src/log/log.go:217
zkevm-rpc         | /src/db/db.go:117
zkevm-rpc         | /src/db/db.go:53
zkevm-rpc         | /src/cmd/run.go:263 main.checkStateMigrations()
zkevm-rpc         | /src/cmd/run.go:70 main.start()
zkevm-state-db    | 2024-01-24 13:49:21.909 UTC [78] ERROR:  relation "public.gorp_migrations" does not exist at character 22


Configuration issues

If you have errors related to configuration issues, see the warning at step 4 in the configure node deployment section.

Process binding issue

If you need to restart, make sure you kill any hanging db processes with the following commands.


You can find the port number from the log warnings.

sudo lsof -t -i:<DB_PORT>
kill -9 <PID>

Kill all Docker containers and images

You can fix many restart issues and persistent errors by stopping and deleting all Docker containers and images.

docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
docker rmi $(docker images -q)