Set proof API


The API links have been changed from https://apis.matic.network Please make sure to update the links.

Some of the functions in the MaticJS library are suffixed with the term faster. As the name suggests, they generate results more quickly compared to their non-faster counterparts. They do so by utilizing the Proof Generation API at the backend which anyone can host.

Proof Generator is a publicly available proof generation API, hosted by Polygon Labs.

The setProofApi method can help in setting the Proof Generation API’s URL to the MaticJS instance as demonstrated in the below snippet.

import { setProofApi } from '@maticnetwork/maticjs'



Utilizing a self-hosted Proof Generation API service will offer better performance compared to a publicly hosted one.

Please follow the installation instructions provided in the file in this repository to self-host the service.

Let’s say you have deployed the Proof API and your base URL is In this case, you need to set the base URL in setProofApi as follows.

import { setProofApi } from '@maticnetwork/maticjs'


We recommend using faster APIs because some APIs, particularly where proof is being generated, make a lot of RPC calls and it might be very slow with public RPCs.
