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Bits2Field state machine

The Bits2Field state machine is one of the auxiliary state machines used specifically for parallelizing the implementation of KECCAK-F SM. Its source code is available here.

The Bits2Field state machine ensures correct packing of \(\mathtt{44}\) bits from \(\mathtt{44}\) different \(\mathtt{1600}\)-row blocks of the Padding-KK-Bit SM into a single field element. Therefore, it operates like a (44-bits-to-1-field-element) multiplexer between the Padding-KK-Bit SM and the Keccak-F SM.

In simpler terms, it takes bits from \(\mathtt{44}\) different blocks, places them into the first 44 bit-positions of a single field element, whereupon the KECCAK-F circuit runs. The name Bits2Field state machine refers to the process of taking \(44\) bits from \(44\) different blocks of the Padding-KK-Bit SM and inserting them into a single field element.

Although the KECCAK-F SM is a binary circuit, instead of executing on a bit-by-bit basis, it is implemented to execute KECCAK-F operations on a 44bits-by-44bits basis. This is tantamount to running \(\mathtt{44}\) KECCAK-F hashing circuits in parallel.

The figure below depicts a simplified multiplexing process.

The 44 bits to 1 field-element Multiplexing

Mapping 44 Bits To A 64-bit Field Element

Suppose operations are carried out in a field \(\mathbb{F}_p\) of \(\mathtt{64}\)-bit numbers. The smallest field used in the zkProver is the Goldilocks Field \(\mathbb{F}_p\) where \(p = 2^{64} - 2^{32}+1\).

After multiplexing, the 44 bits are loaded into the first 44 least significant bit-positions of the field element as depicted in the figure below.

Figure 2: 44 Bits mapped to a 64-bit field element

A field element as an input to the KECCAK-F circuit is of the form,

\[ \mathtt{0b}\mathtt{0000\ 0000\ 0000\ 0000\ 0000}\ \mathtt{X}_1 \mathtt{X}_2 \mathtt{X}_3 \mathtt{X}_4\ \mathtt{X}_5 \mathtt{X}_6 \mathtt{X}_7 \mathtt{X}_8\ \dots \mathtt{X}_{43} \mathtt{X}_{44} \text{ } \]

and it is composed of 20 zeroes and 44 meaningful bits related to the committed polynomials.

Given the capacity of \(2^{23}\) in terms of the state machine evaluations (i.e., the degree of polynomials) and the KECCAK-F’s \(\texttt{SlotSize} = 155286\), one obtains \(2^{23} / 155286 = 54.020375307\) KECCAK-F slots.

Therefore, a total of \(54\) slots \(\times\) \(44\) blocks \(= 2376\) Keccak blocks can be processed.

This is a big improvement from the previous \(477\) blocks of the 9bits-to-1field element multiplexing (i.e., \(53 \times 9 = 477\)).

The Bits2Field PIL Code

The Bits2Field executor executes the multiplexing of forty-four \(\mathtt{1600}\)-bit blocks into \(\mathtt{1600}\) field elements, where each is a \(\mathtt{N}\)-bit field element. For reference, see the above figure where \(\mathtt{N = 64}\).

The question here is how to identify each of the original 9 bits of the field element to track their corresponding resultant \(\mathtt{XOR}\) values or \(\mathtt{ANDP}\) values?

Note that every bit \(\mathtt{b_{i,j}}\) from the \(\mathtt{i}\)-th \(\mathtt{1600}\)-bit block is placed at the \(\mathtt{2^{i}}\)-th position of the \(\mathtt{N}\)-bit field element.

The PIL code therefore uses factors denoted by \(\mathtt{Factor}\), such that \(\mathtt{Factor \in \{ 1, 2, 4, \dots , 2^{43} \}}\), and a \(\mathtt{Fieldlatch}\) after running through forty-four \(\mathtt{1600}\)-bit blocks.

Suppose \(\mathtt{N = 64}\). Then the 44 least significant bits of the \(\mathtt{64}\)-bit field element looks like this:

\[ \mathtt{field44 = X_1 \cdot 2^{43} + X_{2}*{2}^{42} + X_{3}*{2}^{41} + \dots + X_{42}*{2}^2 + X_{43}*2 + X_{44}}. \]

The constraint checked is therefore,

\[ \mathtt{field44' = (1-Fieldlatch)*field44 + bit*Factor} \]

The accumulated field element at the end of the execution (every forty-fourth row of the execution trace) is checked against the KECCAK-F input \(\mathtt{KeccakF.a}\) with the boundary constraint,

\[ \mathtt{Fieldlatch*(field44 - KeccakF.a) = 0} \]

The PIL code is given below.

% "bits2field.pil"

include "keccakf.pil";

namespace Bits2Field(%N);
    pol constant FieldLatch;  // [0:44,1]
    pol constant Factor;  // 1,2,4,8,...,2**43

    pol commit bit;
    pol commit field44;

    field44' = (1-FieldLatch)*field44 + bit*Factor;
    bit *(1-bit) = 0;

    FieldLatch*(field44 - KeccakF.a44) = 0;