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Fork id 7 to 9

This document shows you how to migrate from fork 7 to fork 9 using the Kurtosis package.


These steps are similar to a production build, except you have to use a timelock contract to make the calls.

Prerequisite steps and set up

  1. Run a clean command to remove any lingering state:

    kurtosis clean --all
  2. Downgrade all the necessary parameters to switch back to fork 7. Open the params.yml file and make the following changes:

    diff --git a/params.yml b/params.yml
    index 175619f..a72d452 100644
    --- a/params.yml
    +++ b/params.yml
    @@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ args:
    deployment_suffix: "-001"
    # Docker images and repositories used to spin up services.
    -  zkevm_prover_image: hermeznetwork/zkevm-prover:v6.0.0
    +  zkevm_prover_image: hermeznetwork/zkevm-prover:v4.0.19
    -  zkevm_node_image: 0xpolygon/cdk-validium-node:0.6.4-cdk.2
    +  zkevm_node_image: 0xpolygon/cdk-validium-node:0.5.13-cdk.3
    -  zkevm_da_image: 0xpolygon/cdk-data-availability:0.0.7
    +  zkevm_da_image: 0xpolygon/cdk-data-availability:0.0.6
    zkevm_contracts_image: leovct/zkevm-contracts # the tag is automatically replaced by the value of /zkevm_rollup_fork_id/
    @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ args:
    zkevm_rollup_chain_id: 10101
    # The fork id of the new rollup. It indicates the prover (zkROM/executor) version.
    -  zkevm_rollup_fork_id: 9
    +  zkevm_rollup_fork_id: 7
  3. Now kick-off a full redeploy:

    kurtosis run --enclave cdk-v1 --args-file params.yml --image-download always .
  4. Confirm onchain that fork 7 is running:

    kurtosis files download cdk-v1 genesis /tmp/fork-7-test
    cast call \
        --rpc-url "$(kurtosis port print cdk-v1 el-1-geth-lighthouse rpc)" \
        "$(jq -r '.L1Config.polygonRollupManagerAddress' /tmp/fork-7-test/genesis.json)" \
        "rollupIDToRollupData(uint32)(address,uint64,address,uint64,bytes32,uint64,uint64,uint64,uint64,uint64,uint64,uint8)" 1

    Should you see 7 showing as the 4th parameter.

  5. Send some test transactions to ensure batches are verified as expected.

    export ETH_RPC_URL="$(kurtosis port print cdk-v1 zkevm-node-rpc-001 http-rpc)"
    cast send --legacy --private-key "$(yq -r .args.zkevm_l2_admin_private_key params.yml)" --value 0.01ether 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    cast rpc zkevm_batchNumber
    cast rpc zkevm_virtualBatchNumber
    cast rpc zkevm_verifiedBatchNumber

After a few minutes, the number of verified batches should increase (the first batch checked does not count).

Make a clean stop of the sequencer

  1. Before attempting the upgrade, we need to make a clean stop of the sequencer. To do this, pick a halting batch number by updating the node-config.toml file like this. Make sure to pick a batch number higher than the current batch number!

    cast to-dec $(cast rpc zkevm_batchNumber | sed 's/"//g')
    diff --git a/templates/trusted-node/node-config.toml b/templates/trusted-node/node-config.toml
    index 6c9b9fa..372d904 100644
    --- a/templates/trusted-node/node-config.toml
    +++ b/templates/trusted-node/node-config.toml
    @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ StateConsistencyCheckInterval = "5s"
                    BatchMaxDeltaTimestamp = "20s"
                    L2BlockMaxDeltaTimestamp = "4s"
                    ResourceExhaustedMarginPct = 10
    -                HaltOnBatchNumber = 0
    +                HaltOnBatchNumber = 64
                    SequentialBatchSanityCheck = false
                    SequentialProcessL2Block = true
  2. Re-run Kurtosis:

    kurtosis run --enclave cdk-v1 --args-file params.yml --image-download always .
  3. Wait for the sequencer to halt and the verified batch to equal the latest batch and check the logs.

    kurtosis service logs cdk-v1 zkevm-node-sequencer-001 --follow

    You should see error logs that look like this:

    {"level":"error","ts":1711481674.517157,"caller":"sequencer/finalizer.go:806","msg":"halting finalizer, error: finalizer reached stop sequencer on batch number: 64%!(EXTRA string=\n/home/runner/work/cdk-validium-node/cdk-validium-node/log/log.go:142\n/home/runner/work/cdk-validium-node/cdk-validium-node/log/log.go:251\n/home/runner/work/cdk-validium-node/cdk-validium-node/sequencer/finalizer.go:806*finalizer).Halt()\n/home/runner/work/cdk-validium-node/cdk-validium-node/sequencer/batch.go:221*finalizer).closeAndOpenNewWIPBatch()\n/home/runner/work/cdk-validium-node/cdk-validium-node/sequencer/batch.go:163*finalizer).finalizeWIPBatch()\n/home/runner/work/cdk-validium-node/cdk-validium-node/sequencer/finalizer.go:330*finalizer).finalizeBatches()\n/home/runner/work/cdk-validium-node/cdk-validium-node/sequencer/finalizer.go:166*finalizer).Start()\n)","pid":7,"version":"v0.1.0","stacktrace":"*finalizer).Halt\n\t/home/runner/work/cdk-validium-node/cdk-validium-node/sequencer/finalizer.go:806\*finalizer).closeAndOpenNewWIPBatch\n\t/home/runner/work/cdk-validium-node/cdk-validium-node/sequencer/batch.go:221\*finalizer).finalizeWIPBatch\n\t/home/runner/work/cdk-validium-node/cdk-validium-node/sequencer/batch.go:163\*finalizer).finalizeBatches\n\t/home/runner/work/cdk-validium-node/cdk-validium-node/sequencer/finalizer.go:330\*finalizer).Start\n\t/home/runner/work/cdk-validium-node/cdk-validium-node/sequencer/finalizer.go:166"}
  4. Wait for the verified batch number to catch up to the trusted batch number:

    export ETH_RPC_URL="$(kurtosis port print cdk-v1 zkevm-node-rpc-001 http-rpc)"
    cast rpc zkevm_batchNumber
    cast rpc zkevm_verifiedBatchNumber
  5. When those two numbers are the same, stop the services that are going to be upgraded:

    kurtosis service stop cdk-v1 zkevm-executor-pless-001
    kurtosis service stop cdk-v1 zkevm-node-aggregator-001
    kurtosis service stop cdk-v1 zkevm-node-eth-tx-manager-001
    kurtosis service stop cdk-v1 zkevm-node-l2-gas-pricer-001
    kurtosis service stop cdk-v1 zkevm-node-rpc-001
    kurtosis service stop cdk-v1 zkevm-node-rpc-pless-001
    kurtosis service stop cdk-v1 zkevm-node-sequence-sender-001
    kurtosis service stop cdk-v1 zkevm-node-sequencer-001
    kurtosis service stop cdk-v1 zkevm-node-synchronizer-001
    kurtosis service stop cdk-v1 zkevm-node-synchronizer-pless-001
    kurtosis service stop cdk-v1 zkevm-prover-001

Smart contract calls

  1. From another directory, make the required smart contract calls (this should not be done from the kurtosis-cdk directory):

    git clone
    pushd zkevm-contracts/
    git reset --hard a38e68b5466d1997cea8466dbd4fc8dacd4e11d8
    npm install
    printf "[profile.default]\nsrc = 'contracts'\nout = 'out'\nlibs = ['node_modules']\n" > foundry.toml
    forge build
  2. Deploy a new verifier.


    This step isn’t strictly necessary but good to do because in some cases you need a new verifier contract.

    forge create \
        --json \
        --rpc-url "$(kurtosis port print cdk-v1 el-1-geth-lighthouse rpc)" \
        --private-key 0x12d7de8621a77640c9241b2595ba78ce443d05e94090365ab3bb5e19df82c625 \
        contracts/mocks/VerifierRollupHelperMock.sol:VerifierRollupHelperMock > verifier-out.json
  3. Create the PolygonValidiumStorageMigration contract:

    export ETH_RPC_URL="$(kurtosis port print cdk-v1 el-1-geth-lighthouse rpc)"
    ger="$(kurtosis service exec cdk-v1 contracts-001 "jq -r .polygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootAddress /opt/zkevm/combined.json" | tail -n +2)"
    pol="$(kurtosis service exec cdk-v1 contracts-001 "jq -r .polTokenAddress /opt/zkevm/combined.json" | tail -n +2)"
    bridge="$(kurtosis service exec cdk-v1 contracts-001 "jq -r .polygonZkEVMBridgeAddress /opt/zkevm/combined.json" | tail -n +2)"
    mngr="$(kurtosis service exec cdk-v1 contracts-001 "jq -r .polygonRollupManager /opt/zkevm/combined.json" | tail -n +2)"
    forge create \
        --json \
        --private-key 0x12d7de8621a77640c9241b2595ba78ce443d05e94090365ab3bb5e19df82c625 \
        contracts/v2/consensus/validium/migration/PolygonValidiumStorageMigration.sol:PolygonValidiumStorageMigration \
        --constructor-args $ger $pol $bridge $mngr > new-consensus-out.json
  4. Add a new rollup type to the rollup manager:

    genesis="$(kurtosis service exec cdk-v1 contracts-001 "jq -r .genesis /opt/zkevm/combined.json" | tail -n +2)"
    cast send \
        --json \
        --private-key 0x12d7de8621a77640c9241b2595ba78ce443d05e94090365ab3bb5e19df82c625 \
        $mngr \
        'addNewRollupType(address,address,uint64,uint8,bytes32,string)' \
        "$(jq -r '.deployedTo' new-consensus-out.json)" \
        "$(jq -r '.deployedTo' verifier-out.json)" \
        9 0 "$genesis" 'test!!!' > add-rollup-type-out.json
  5. Get your new rollup type id:

    jq -r '.logs[0].topics[1]' add-rollup-type-out.json
  6. Update the rollup with the id:

    rollup="$(kurtosis service exec cdk-v1 contracts-001 "jq -r .rollupAddress /opt/zkevm/combined.json" | tail -n +2)"
    cast send \
        --json \
        --private-key 0x12d7de8621a77640c9241b2595ba78ce443d05e94090365ab3bb5e19df82c625 \
        $mngr \
        'updateRollup(address,uint32,bytes)' \
        "$rollup" 2 0x > update-rollup-type-out.json
  7. Verify the updated rollupid. Previously the 4th value was a 7 and now it should be a 9.

    cast call \
        "$(jq -r '.L1Config.polygonRollupManagerAddress' /tmp/fork-7-test/genesis.json)" \
        "rollupIDToRollupData(uint32)(address,uint64,address,uint64,bytes32,uint64,uint64,uint64,uint64,uint64,uint64,uint8)" 1
  8. Set up the data availability protocol again:

    dac="$(kurtosis service exec cdk-v1 contracts-001 "jq -r .polygonDataCommittee /opt/zkevm/combined.json" | tail -n +2)"
    cast send \
        --json \
        --private-key "0x12d7de8621a77640c9241b2595ba78ce443d05e94090365ab3bb5e19df82c625" \
        "$rollup" 'setDataAvailabilityProtocol(address)' $dac > set-dac-out.json

Node upgrade

At this stage, the smart contracts are upgraded. However, we still need to start the nodes again.


  • This procedure is very sensitive.
  • Ensure the synchronizer starts first.

We’re going to revert the parameters back to the versions of the node that worked with fork 9, and only redeploy the CDK central/trusted environment.

  1. Update the params.yml file as follows:

    yq -Y --in-place 'with_entries(if .key == "deploy_cdk_central_environment" then .value = true elif .value | type == "boolean" then .value = false else . end)' params.yml
  2. Remove the HaltOnBatchNumber setting that we added earlier.

  3. Run Kurtosis to bring up the main node components.

    kurtosis run --enclave cdk-v1 --args-file params.yml --image-download always .
  4. The core services are now running and we should be able to send a transaction and see the batch numbers moving through their normal progression.

    export ETH_RPC_URL="$(kurtosis port print cdk-v1 zkevm-node-rpc-001 http-rpc)"
    cast send --legacy --private-key "$(yq -r .args.zkevm_l2_admin_private_key params.yml)" --value 0.01ether 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
    cast rpc zkevm_batchNumber
    cast rpc zkevm_virtualBatchNumber
    cast rpc zkevm_verifiedBatchNumber


  1. If you clone the zkevm-contracts repo in the same folder as kurtosis-cdk, you may see this error when you try to deploy the stack:

    Error:  An error occurred running command 'run'
    Caused by: An error occurred calling the run function for command 'run'
    Caused by: An error starting the Kurtosis code execution '.'
    Caused by: Error uploading package '.' prior to executing it
    Caused by: There was an error compressing module '.' before upload
    Caused by: An error occurred creating the archive from the files at '.'
    Caused by: The files you are trying to upload, which are now compressed, exceed or reach 100mb. Manipulation (i.e. uploads or downloads) of files larger than 100mb is currently disallowed in Kurtosis.
  2. You may also see errors like these:

    {"level":"warn","ts":1711502381.03938,"caller":"etherman/etherman.go:661","msg":"Event not registered: {Address:0x1Fe038B54aeBf558638CA51C91bC8cCa06609e91 Topics:[0xd331bd4c4cd1afecb94a225184bded161ff3213624ba4fb58c4f30c5a861144a] Data:[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 104 150 169 140 75 124 126 143 22 209 119 199 25 161 216 86 185 21 76] BlockNumber:108 TxHash:0x1bb5e714dd96434ded2d818458cc517cf7b30f5787dbb3aedb667e5e3e96808e TxIndex:0 BlockHash:0xdf5850cd5a8975859595649a05ce245f02953e84af627e9b22a1f8381077f057 Index:0 Removed:false}","pid":7,"version":"0.6.4+cdk"}

    You can check them directly from the rpc:

    cast logs \
        --rpc-url "$(kurtosis port print cdk-v1 el-1-geth-lighthouse rpc)" \
        --address 0x1Fe038B54aeBf558638CA51C91bC8cCa06609e91 \
        --from-block 108 \
        --to-block 108

    You can reverse an event with the following script:

    cat compiled-contracts/*.json | jq '.abi[] | select(.type == "event") | .type = "function"' | jq -s | polycli abi decode | grep d33
    cast sig-event 'SetDataAvailabilityProtocol(address)'
  3. In the above example, it looks like the unregistered event is a call to SetDataAvailabilityProtocol(address).