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A contract that inherits AccessControlUpgradeable from Openzeppelin, but with the following modifications:

  • Deletes ERC165Upgradeable dependencies to save us the “gap” variables and let us have consistent storage.
  • Adds the legacy Owner variable, to be consistent with the previous.
  • Adds custom errors.
  • Replaces _msgSender() with msg.sender.



  function __AccessControl_init(
  ) internal


Returns true if account has been granted role.

  function hasRole(
  ) public returns (bool)


  function _checkRole(
  ) internal
  • Reverts with a standard message if msg.sender is missing role. Overriding this function changes the behavior of the {onlyRole} modifier.
  • Describes the format of the revert message in {_checkRole}.
  • Available since v4.6.


  function _checkRole(
  ) internal
  • Reverts with a standard message if account is missing role.
  • The format of the revert reason is given by the following regular expression:

/^AccessControl: account (0x[0-9a-f]{40}) is missing role (0x[0-9a-f]{64})$/


Returns the admin role that controls role. See grantRole and revokeRole.

  function getRoleAdmin(
  ) public returns (bytes32)

To change a role’s admin, use _setRoleAdmin.


Grants role to account. If account has not been granted role, it emits a RoleGranted event.

  function grantRole(
  ) public
  • The caller must have the role as the admin role.
  • May emit a RoleGranted event.


Revokes role from account. If account had been granted role, this function emits a RoleRevoked event.

  function revokeRole(
  ) public


Revokes role from the calling account.

  function renounceRole(
  ) public
  • The caller must have the admin role account.
  • May emit a RoleRevoked event.

Roles are often managed via grantRole and revokeRole. The purpose of this function is to provide a mechanism for accounts to lose their privileges if they are compromised (such as when a trusted device is misplaced).

Emits a RoleRevokedevent if the calling account had its role revoked.


  function _setupRole(
  ) internal

Grants role to an account.

Emits a RoleGranted event if account has not been granted role before. Note that unlike grantRole, this function doesn’t perform any checks on the calling account.

May emit a RoleGranted event.


  • This function should only be called from the constructor, when setting up the initial roles for the system.
  • Using this function in any other way is effectively circumventing the admin system imposed by AccessControl.


  • This function is deprecated in favor of _grantRole.


Sets adminRole as the admin role.

  function _setRoleAdmin(
  ) internal

Emits a RoleAdminChanged event.


Grants role to account. Internal function without access restriction.

  function _grantRole(
  ) internal

May emit a RoleGranted event.


Revokes role from account. Internal function without access restriction.

  function _revokeRole(
  ) internal

May emit a RoleRevoked event.