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ABI manager

matic.js internally uses ABIManager for handling ABI management, configuration for you. All of the ABI and config are taken from static repo.

Change ABI

Sometimes you are required to change the ABI, particularly when you are developing a contract. You can do so by using ABIManager.


import { ABIManager } from '@maticnetwork/maticjs'

const manager = new ABIManager(<network name>,<version>);
await manager.init();

// set abi

manager.setABI(<contract name>,<bridge type>, <abi value>);

// get abi

manager.getABI(<contract name>,<bridge type>);

The network name, contract name, bridge name etc can be taken from our official static repo.


import { ABIManager } from '@maticnetwork/maticjs'

const manager = new ABIManager('testnet','amoy');
await manager.init();

// set abi

manager.setABI('ERC20PredicateProxy','pos', 'abi value');

// get abi
