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  function constructor(
    contract IPolygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootV2 _globalExitRootManager,
    contract IERC20Upgradeable _pol,
    contract IPolygonZkEVMBridgeV2 _bridgeAddress,
    contract PolygonRollupManager _rollupManager
  ) internal
Name Type Description
_globalExitRootManager contract IPolygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootV2 Global exit root manager address.
_pol contract IERC20Upgradeable POL token address.
_bridgeAddress contract IPolygonZkEVMBridgeV2 Bridge address.
_rollupManager contract PolygonRollupManager Global exit root manager address.


  function initialize(
    address _admin,
    address sequencer,
    uint32 networkID,
    address _gasTokenAddress,
    string sequencerURL,
    string _networkName
  ) external
Name Type Description
_admin address Admin address.
sequencer address Trusted sequencer address.
networkID uint32 Indicates the network identifier used in the bridge.
_gasTokenAddress address Indicates the address of the token used in mainnet as the gas token.
Note that if a wrapped token of the bridge is used, its original network and address are used instead.
sequencerURL string Trusted sequencer URL.
_networkName string L2 network name.


Allows a sequencer to send multiple batches.

  function sequenceBatches(
    struct PolygonRollupBaseEtrog.BatchData[] batches,
    uint64 maxSequenceTimestamp,
    uint64 initSequencedBatch,
    address l2Coinbase
  ) public
Name Type Description
batches struct PolygonRollupBaseEtrog.BatchData[] Struct array which holds the necessary data to append new batches to the sequence.
maxSequenceTimestamp uint64 Max timestamp of the sequence.
The timestamp must be inside a safety range (actual + 36 seconds).
It should be equal or greater than the last block inside the sequence. Otherwise the circuit invalidates the batch.
initSequencedBatch uint64 This parameter must match the current last batch sequenced.
This is a protection mechanism against the sequencer sending undesired data.
l2Coinbase address Address that will receive the fees from L2.
Note that POL is not a reentrant token.


It’s a callback on verify batches. It can only be called by the rollup manager.

  function onVerifyBatches(
    uint64 lastVerifiedBatch,
    bytes32 newStateRoot,
    address aggregator
  ) public
Name Type Description
lastVerifiedBatch uint64 Last verified batch.
newStateRoot bytes32 New state root.
aggregator address Aggregator address.


Allows a sequencer/user to force a batch of L2 transactions. This should be used only in extreme cases where the trusted sequencer does not work as expected.

  function forceBatch(
    bytes transactions,
    uint256 polAmount
  ) public


  • The sequencer has a degree of control on how non-forced and forced batches are ordered.
  • In order to assure that users’ force transactions are processed properly, each transaction must be signed with a unique nonce.
Name Type Description
transactions bytes L2 ethereum transactions. EIP-155 or pre-EIP-155 with signature:
polAmount uint256 Max amount of pol tokens that the sender is willing to pay.


Allows anyone to sequence forced batches if the trusted sequencer has not done so within the timeout period.

  function sequenceForceBatches(
    struct PolygonRollupBaseEtrog.BatchData[] batches
  ) external
Name Type Description
batches struct PolygonRollupBaseEtrog.BatchData[] Struct array which holds the data necessary for appending force batches.


Allows the admin to set a new trusted sequencer.

  function setTrustedSequencer(
    address newTrustedSequencer
  ) external
Name Type Description
newTrustedSequencer address Address of the new trusted sequencer.


Allows the admin to set the trusted sequencer URL.

  function setTrustedSequencerURL(
    string newTrustedSequencerURL
  ) external
Name Type Description
newTrustedSequencerURL string URL of trusted sequencer.


Allows the admin to change the address allowed to force batches. If address 0 is set, then everyone is able to force batches. This action is irreversible.

  function setForceBatchAddress(
    address newForceBatchAddress
  ) external
Name Type Description
newForceBatchAddress address New force batch address.


Allows the admin to set the forcedBatchTimeout. The new value can only be lower, except if emergency state is active.

  function setForceBatchTimeout(
    uint64 newforceBatchTimeout
  ) external
Name Type Description
newforceBatchTimeout uint64 New force batch timeout.


Starts the admin role transfer. This is a two step process. And the pending admin must accept to finalize the process.

  function transferAdminRole(
    address newPendingAdmin
  ) external
Name Type Description
newPendingAdmin address Address of the new pending admin.


Allows the current pending admin to accept the admin role.

  function acceptAdminRole(
  ) external


A function to calculate the reward for a forced batch.

  function calculatePolPerForceBatch(
  ) public returns (uint256)


Generates and initializes transaction for the bridge on L2.

  function generateInitializeTransaction(
    uint32 networkID,
    address _gasTokenAddress,
    uint32 _gasTokenNetwork,
    bytes _gasTokenMetadata
  ) public returns (bytes)
Name Type Description
networkID uint32 Indicates the network identifier used in the bridge.
_gasTokenAddress address Indicates the token address used to pay gas fees in the new rollup.
_gasTokenNetwork uint32 Indicates the native network of the token address.
_gasTokenMetadata bytes Abi encoded gas token metadata.



Emitted when the trusted sequencer sends a new batch of transactions.

  event SequenceBatches(


Emitted when a batch is forced.

  event ForceBatch(


Emitted when forced batches are sequenced by an entity other than the trusted sequencer.

  event SequenceForceBatches(


Emitted when the contract is initialized. It contains the first sequenced transaction.

  event InitialSequenceBatches(


Emitted when an aggregator verifies batches.

  event VerifyBatches(


Emitted when the admin updates the trusted sequencer address.

  event SetTrustedSequencer(


Emitted when the admin updates the sequencer URL.

  event SetTrustedSequencerURL(


Emitted when the admin updates the force batch timeout.

  event SetForceBatchTimeout(


Emitted when the admin updates the force batch address.

  event SetForceBatchAddress(


Emitted when the admin starts the two-step transfer role of setting a new pending admin.

  event TransferAdminRole(


Emitted when the pending admin accepts the admin role.

  event AcceptAdminRole(