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Polygon MATIC faucet

Polygon Faucet is a tool provided by Polygon and its ecosystem partners such as Alchemy and Quicknode that allows you to obtain free MATIC tokens on the Mumbai Testnet and get started with the Polygon network. These test tokens enable you to work with Polygon features without having to spend actual MATIC tokens on the mainnet.

Additionally, you can also receive Polygon zkEVM testnet ETH on Polygon Faucet.


Tokens on testnet networks like Mumbai, Goerli & Polygon zkEVM testnet have no value as they are only used for testing purposes.

We have listed three faucet tools you can use to receive MATIC testnet tokens, along with their usage guides, in the sections below.

In addition, Polygon faucet also provides Polygon zkEVM testnet ETH tokens.

Polygon faucet


  • Select one of the blockchain testnet networks:

    • Mumbai - Polygon Testnet
    • Goerli - Ethereum Testnet
    • Polygon zkEVM - Polygon zkEVM Testnet
  • Select the type of Testnet token that you want to receive:

    • MATIC Token - Testnet token of Polygon network
    • Test ERC20 - Standard testnet token on the Ethereum network
    • Test ERC1155 - Standard testnet token used for NFTs
    • LINK - ERC677 testnet token that inherits functionality from the ERC20
    • zkEVM ETH - Testnet ETH on the Polygon zkEVM testnet network
  • Enter your wallet address (you can copy it from your MetaMask or Polygon wallet)

  • Click on the Submit button to send your token request

  • Click Confirm to finalize the transaction



If you don’t have enough MATIC testnet tokens in your account to pay for the gas fees, the transaction may fail. If you require testnet tokens in bulk, please fill this form.

  • After confirmation, you will receive the requested testnet tokens within 1 to 2 minutes.


Alchemy MATIC faucet


If you sign up or log in with an Alchemy account, you get 5 times more MATIC/day (up to 5 MATIC).

  • You can request MATIC tokens from Alchemy’s Mumbai Faucet. In order to receive testnet tokens, head over to the Mumbai Faucet website by Alchemy, enter your wallet address and hit the Send Me MATIC button.


  • You can check the transaction hash as soon as you finish requesting your MATIC and also view the transaction details on Polygonscan.

QuickNode multi-chain faucet

In order to receive MATIC Mumbai tokens using QuickNode faucet,

  • Head over to QuickNode multi-chain faucet. Connect your wallet (MetaMask or Phantom) by clicking on Connect Wallet. Select Polygon and Mumbai Testnet from the dropdown menus, and then click on Continue.



If you tweet the drip faucet URL along with your wallet address and submit the tweet URL, you get 10X more MATIC testnet tokens (i.e. 1 MATIC).

  • To receive 0.1 testnet MATIC, click on No thanks, just send me 0.1 MATIC.


  • You can also view your transaction details on Polygonscan by clicking on the TxHash.

LearnWeb3 Faucets

In order to receive MATIC tokens on Mumbai or zkEVM using the LearnWeb3 Faucet:

  • Head over to the Mumbai Faucet or the zkEVM Faucet.
  • Sign in to LearnWeb3 by clicking Sign In in the top-right. Connect your GitHub if you haven’t already done so to gain access to the faucet.
  • Enter your wallet address and request MATIC tokens