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State transfer

Work in progress!

This doc is currently undergoing revision, and the instructions provided may not be up to date. Stay tuned for updates!

Polygon validators continuously monitor a contract on Ethereum chain called StateSender. Each time a registered contract on Ethereum chain calls this contract, it emits an event. Using this event Polygon validators relay the data to another contract on Polygon chain. This state sync mechanism is used to send data from Ethereum to Polygon.

Additionally, Polygon validators send the transaction hash, namely checkpoint, of each transaction on the PoS chain to Ethereum on a regular basis. You can use this to validate any transaction that took place on Polygon. Once a transaction has been verified to have occurred on the PoS chain, the corresponding action can then be executed on Ethereum.

These two mechanisms can be used together to enable two-way data (state) transfer between Ethereum and Polygon. To abstract out all these interactions, you can directly inherit our FxBaseRootTunnel (on Ethereum) and FxBaseChildTunnel (on Polygon) contracts.

Root tunnel contract

Use the FxBaseRootTunnel contract from here. This contract gives access to the following functions:

  • function _processMessageFromChild(bytes memory data): This is a virtual function that needs to be implemented in the contract which inherits it to handle data being sent from ChildTunnel.
  • _sendMessageToChild(bytes memory message): This function can be called internally with any bytes data as a message. This data will be sent as it is to the child tunnel.
  • receiveMessage(bytes memory inputData): This function needs to be called to receive the message emitted by ChildTunnel. The proof of transaction needs to be provided as calldata. An example script to generate proof using the matic.js SDK is included below.

Child tunnel contract

Use the FxBaseChildTunnel contract from here. This contract gives access to following functions:

  • function _processMessageFromRoot(uint256 stateId, address sender, bytes memory data): This is a virtual function that needs to implement the logic to handle messages sent from the RootTunnel.
  • function _sendMessageToRoot(bytes memory message): This function can be called internally to send any bytes message to the root tunnel.


You need to inherit FxBaseRootTunnel contract in your root contract on Ethereum. As an example, you can follow this contract . Similarly, inherit FxBaseChildTunnel contract in your child on Polygon. Follow this contract as an example.

  • While deploying your root contract on
    • Sepolia testnet, pass the address of _checkpointManager as 0xbd07D7E1E93c8d4b2a261327F3C28a8EA7167209 and _fxRoot as 0x0E13EBEdDb8cf9f5987512d5E081FdC2F5b0991e.
    • Ethereum mainnet, _checkpointManager is 0x86e4dc95c7fbdbf52e33d563bbdb00823894c287 and _fxRoot is 0xfe5e5D361b2ad62c541bAb87C45a0B9B018389a2.
  • For deploying the child contract on
    • Amoy testnet, pass 0xE5930336866d0388f0f745A2d9207C7781047C0f as _fxChild in constructor.
    • Polygon mainnet, _fxChild will be 0x8397259c983751DAf40400790063935a11afa28a.
  • Call setFxChildTunnel on deployed root tunnel with the address of child tunnel. Example: 0x97482d379e397329ac1ee2a34eeb9aceb06bd4a91ec17c7d7d3da4a1e96c165c
  • Call setFxRootTunnel on deployed child tunnel with address of root tunnel. Example: 0xae30445301bd7c902bf373fb890faf5658bd3a9437131c9408d5ecbc41af3fc0

State tunnel sample contracts

State transfer from Ethereum to Polygon

  • You need to call _sendMessageToChild() internally in your root contract and pass the data as an argument to be sent to Polygon. Example: 0x00a1aa71593fec825b4b1ce1081b5a9848612fb21f9e56def2914b483f5f34f5
  • In your child contract, implement _processMessageFromRoot() virtual function in FxBaseChildTunnel to retrieve data from Ethereum. The data will be received automatically from the state receiver when the state is synced.

State transfer from Polygon to Ethereum

  1. Call _sendMessageToRoot() internally in your child contract with data as a parameter to be sent to Ethereum. Note down the transaction hash as it will be used to generate the proof after the transaction has been included as a checkpoint.

  2. Proof Generation to complete the exit on root chain: Generate the proof using the tx hash and MESSAGE_SENT_EVENT_SIG. To generate the proof, you can either use the proof generation API hosted by Polygon, or you can also spin up your own proof generation API by following the instructions here.

The proof generation endpoint hosted by Polygon is available here:


  • burnTxHash is the transaction hash of the _sendMessageToRoot() transaction you initiated on Polygon.
  • eventSignature is the event signature of the event emitted by the _sendMessageToRoot() function. The event signature for the MESSAGE_SENT_EVENT_SIG is 0x8c5261668696ce22758910d05bab8f186d6eb247ceac2af2e82c7dc17669b036.

Here’s an example of how to use the proof generation API.

  1. Implement _processMessageFromChild() in your root contract.
  2. Use the generated proof as an input to receiveMessage() to retrieve data sent from child tunnel into your contract.