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Using binaries

This deployment guide walks you through starting and running a full node through various methods. For the system requirements, see the minimum technical requirements guide.


Steps in these guide involve waiting for the Heimdall and Bor services to fully sync. This process takes several days to complete.

Please use snapshots for faster syncing without having to sync over the network. For detailed instructions, see Sync node using snapshots.

For snapshot download links, see the Polygon Chains Snapshots page.



It is essential to follow the outlined sequence of actions precisely, as any deviation may lead to potential issues.

  • Prepare the machine.
  • Install Heimdall and Bor binaries on the full node machine.
  • Set up Heimdall and Bor services on the full node machine.
  • Configure the full node machine.
  • Start the full node machine.
  • Check node health with the community.

Install build-essential

This is required for your full node. In order to install, run the below command:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential

Install binaries

Polygon node consists of 2 layers: Heimdall and Bor. Heimdall is a Tendermint fork that monitors contracts in parallel with the Ethereum network. Bor is basically a Geth fork that generates blocks shuffled by Heimdall nodes.

Both binaries must be installed and run in the correct order to function properly.


Install the latest version of Heimdall and related services. Make sure you checkout to the correct release version.

To install Heimdall, run the following commands:

curl -L | bash -s -- <heimdall_version> <network_type> <node_type>

You can run the above command with following options:

This will install the heimdalld and heimdallcli binaries. Verify the installation by checking the Heimdall version on your machine:

heimdalld version --long

Configure Heimdall seeds (Mainnet)

sed -i 's|^seeds =.*|seeds = "1500161dd491b67fb1ac81868952be49e2509c9f@,dd4a3f1750af5765266231b9d8ac764599921736@,8ea4f592ad6cc38d7532aff418d1fb97052463af@,e772e1fb8c3492a9570a377a5eafdb1dc53cd778@,6726b826df45ac8e9afb4bdb2469c7771bd797f1@"|g' /var/lib/heimdall/config/config.toml
chown heimdall /var/lib/heimdall

Configure Heimdall seeds (Amoy)

The Heimdall and Bor seeds don’t need to be configured manually for Amoy testnet since they’ve already been included at genesis.


Install the latest version of Bor, based on valid v1.0+ released version.

curl -L | bash -s -- <bor_version> <network_type> <node_type>
You can run the above command with following options:

That will install the bor binary. Verify the installation by checking the Bor version on your machine:

bor version

Configure Bor seeds (mainnet)

sed -i 's|.*\[p2p.discovery\]|  \[p2p.discovery\] |g' /var/lib/bor/config.toml
sed -i 's|.*bootnodes =.*|    bootnodes = ["enode://b8f1cc9c5d4403703fbf377116469667d2b1823c0daf16b7250aa576bacf399e42c3930ccfcb02c5df6879565a2b8931335565f0e8d3f8e72385ecf4a4bf160a@", "enode://8729e0c825f3d9cad382555f3e46dcff21af323e89025a0e6312df541f4a9e73abfa562d64906f5e59c51fe6f0501b3e61b07979606c56329c020ed739910759@"]|g' /var/lib/bor/config.toml
chown bor /var/lib/bor

Configure Bor seeds (Amoy)

The Heimdall and Bor seeds don’t need to be configured manually for Amoy testnet since they’ve already been included at genesis.

Update service config user permission

sed -i 's/User=heimdall/User=root/g' /lib/systemd/system/heimdalld.service
sed -i 's/User=bor/User=root/g' /lib/systemd/system/bor.service

Start services

Run the full Heimdall node with these commands on your Sentry Node:

sudo service heimdalld start

Wait for Heimdall to complete syncing

Ensure that Heimdall is fully synced before starting Bor. Initiating Bor without complete synchronization of Heimdall may lead to frequent issues.

To check if Heimdall is synced: 1. On the remote machine/VM, run curl localhost:26657/status. 2. In the output, catching_up value should be false.

Once Heimdall is synced, run the following command:

sudo service bor start


Logs can be managed by the journalctl linux tool. Here is a tutorial for advanced usage: How To Use Journalctl to View and Manipulate Systemd Logs.

Check Heimdall node logs

journalctl -u heimdalld.service -f

Check Bor node logs

journalctl -u bor.service -f