CLI Tool
To simplify the process of running and configuring CDK components, Polygon provides a Rust-based CLI tool which is an interface that chain administrators can use to interact with the components.
This CLI tool is an entry point for chain administrators to access the CDK system.
As the chain admin, you simply need to download the precompiled CDK package binaries.
Running the CLI tool¶
Here, you need to provide the CDK node configuration file and the genesis file for your desired chain.
Usage: cdk <COMMAND>
- Run the cdk-node with the provided configurationerigon
- Run cdk-erigon node with the provided default configurationversions
- Output the corresponding versions of the componentshelp
Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help
- Print help
cdk node
To run cdk-node use the node
subcommand with one of the options mentioned below.
Usage: cdk node [OPTIONS]
-C, --config <CONFIG>
- The path to the configuration file [env:CDK_CONFIG_PATH=
]-c, --components <COMPONENTS>
- Components to run [env:CDK_COMPONENTS=
]-h, --help
- Print help
Example to run in FEP mode:
cdk node --config /etc/cdk/cdk-node-config.toml --components sequence-sender,aggregator
Example to run in PP mode:
cdk node --config /etc/cdk/cdk-node-config.toml --components rpc,aggsender
cdk erigon
You can run a cdk-erigon RPC node that syncs to an existing chain using the default parameters.
This subcommand is intended for quickly spinning up an RPC node or testing existing chains with default configuration values. In order to fine-tune settings and access all available configuration options, refer to the full cdk-erigon documentation on Erigon configuration.
Usage: cdk erigon [OPTIONS]
-C, --config <CONFIG>
- The path to the cdk-node configuration file [env:CDK_CONFIG_PATH=
]-g, --chain <CHAIN>
- The path to the genesis.json file [env:CDK_GENESIS_PATH=
]-h, --help
- Print help
cdk erigon --config /etc/cdk/cdk-node-config.toml --chain genesis.json
cdk erigon --config /etc/cdk/cdk-node-config.toml --chain genesis.json
cdk versions
The above command generates all the required configuration files for cdk-erigon on the fly and runs the node.
To print the corresponding versions of the components, run the following command:
Usage: cdk versions
-h, --help
- Print help
cdk versions