Configure chains dynamically

To use chains other than the defaults, supply a set of custom configuration files.

  1. Ensure the chain name starts with the word dynamic e.g. dynamic-mynetwork.

  2. Create the following files for dynamic configs. The examples for Cardona are in zk/examples/dynamic-configs and can be edited as required:

    • dynamic-{network}-allocs.json - the allocs file.
    • dynamic-{network}-chainspec.json - the chainspec file.
    • dynamic-{network}-conf.json - an additional configuration file.
    • dynamic-{network}.yaml - the run config file for erigon.

    You can use any of the example yaml files at the root of the repo as a base and edit as required, but ensure the chain field is in the format dynamic-mynetwork and matches the names of the config files above.

  3. Put the erigon config file, along with the other files, in the directory of your choice. For example dynamic-mynetwork.


    • If you have allocs in the Polygon format from the original network launch, save this file to the root of the cdk-erigon code base and run go run cmd/hack/allocs/main.go [your-file-name] to convert it to the format needed by erigon.
    • This creates the dynamic-{network}-allocs.json file.


    Find the following contract addresses for the dynamic-{network}.yaml in the output files created at network launch:

    • zkevm.address-sequencer => create_rollup_output.json => sequencer
    • zkevm.address-zkevm => create_rollup_output.json => rollupAddress
    • zkevm.address-admin => deploy_output.json => admin
    • zkevm.address-rollup => deploy_output.json => polygonRollupManagerAddress
    • zkevm.address-ger-manager => deploy_output.json => polygonZkEVMGlobalExitRootAddress
  4. Mount the directory containing the config files on a Docker container. For example /dynamic-mynetwork.

  5. To use the new config when starting erigon, use the --config flag with the path to the config file e.g. --config="/dynamic-mynetwork/dynamic-mynetwork.yaml".