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The kurtosis-cdk stack deploys Prometheus, Grafana, and Panoptichain to help observe the network. These are enabled by default, but can be turned off by setting the deploy_observability to false in the params.yml.

Find the dashboard details by running: kurtosis enclave inspect cdk-v1

You will see something like this:

66a0a1fbb82f   grafana-001        dashboards: 3000/tcp ->            RUNNING
3048924295f9   panoptichain-001   prometheus: 9090/tcp ->            RUNNING
df5a52b990f2   prometheus-001     http: 9090/tcp ->                  RUNNING

View dashboards

To view the dashboards, go to the Grafana endpoint with the /dashboards path.

Click the hamburger menu in the top left to go to Dashboards.

Monitoring dashboards

There are two predefined dashboards here to help you understand the health of the CDK at a glance.


The Panoptichain dashboard displays the metrics that are collected from the Panoptichain service. This dashboard focuses on on-chain metrics such as blocks, transactions, and smart contract calls.

Panoptichain dashboard


The services dashboard captures the metrics being emitted by the individual services in the CDK, and metrics pertaining to process health.

Services dashboard

Prometheus targets

To ensure that a service is properly emitting metrics, you can view all the Prometheus targets and their state by navigating to the Prometheus endpoint with the /targets path.

Prometheus targets dashboard
