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Calling the ERC20 method

ZkEvmClient provides erc20 method which helps you to interact with an ERC20 token on the zkEVM network. The method returns an object which has various other methods.

const erc20token = zkEvmClient.erc20(<token address> , <isRoot>);

Passing second argument for isRoot is optional.

For child token

Token on the zkEVM network can be initiated by using this syntax:

const childERC20Token = zkEvmClient.erc20(<child token address>);

For root token

Token on ethereum can be initiated by providing the second parameter value as true.

const rootERC20Token = zkEvmClient.erc20(<root token address>, true);

Check balance

You can use the getBalance method to get the balance of a user account. It is available for both child and root token.

// get balance of user
const balance = await erc20Token.getBalance(<user Address>);

Approve methods


The approve method can approve the required amount on the root and child token. It is needed for both deposit and withdrawal on the zkEVM network. Some tokens require this method during withdrawal while others require it during deposit.

const erc20Token = zkEvmClient.erc20(<root token address>, true); // root token

// approve 1000 amount
const result = await erc20Token.approve(1000);

const txHash = await result.getTransactionHash();
const receipt = await result.getReceipt();


The address on which approval is given is called the spenderAddress. It is a third-party user or a smart contract which can transfer your token on your behalf.

By default, spenderAddress value is the PolygonZkEVMBridge contract address. You can specify spenderAddress value manually.

// approve 1000 amount
const result = await erc20Token.approve(1000, {
    spenderAddress: <spender address value>


The approveMax method can approve the maximum amount on the root and child tokens.

const erc20Token = zkEvmClient.erc20(<root token address>, true); // root token

const result = await erc20Token.approveMax();

const txHash = await result.getTransactionHash();
const receipt = await result.getReceipt();


You can specify spenderAddress value manually.

// approve 100 amount
const result = await erc20Token.approveMax({
    spenderAddress: <spender address value>


isApprovalNeeded checks if approval is needed for the root or child token.

const erc20Token = zkEvmClient.erc20(<token address>, true); // root token

const result = await erc20Token.isApprovalNeeded();


getAllowance method can be used to get the approved amount for the user.

const erc20Token = zkEvmClient.erc20(<token address>, true); // root token

const result = await erc20Token.getAllowance(<user address>);


You can specify spender address value manually.

const result = await erc20Token.getAllowance(<user Address>, {
    spenderAddress: <spender address value>

Transfer method

The transfer method can be used to transfer amount from one address to another.

const erc20Token = zkEvmClient.erc20(<token address>);

const result = await erc20Token.transfer(<amount>, <to>);

const txHash = await result.getTransactionHash();
const receipt = await result.getReceipt();

Deposit methods


deposit method can be used to deposit the required amount from root chain to the child chain. We recommend users to store the transaction hash in order to be able to call depositClaim using that txHash.

const erc20Token = zkEvmClient.erc20(<root token address>, true); // root token

//deposit 100 to user address
const result = await erc20Token.deposit(100, <user address>);

const txHash = await result.getTransactionHash();
const receipt = await result.getReceipt();


depositEther method can be used to deposit required amount of ether from Ethereum to zkEVM.

// ether address = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
const etherToken = zkEvmClient.erc20(<ether address>, true);

const result = await etherToken.deposit(<amount>, <user Address>);

const txHash = await result.getTransactionHash();
const receipt = await result.getReceipt();


depositWithPermit method can be used to deposit required amount of tokens from Ethereum to zkEVM along with the permit, so that user doesn’t have to do multiple transactions for approve and deposit.

const erc20Token = zkEvmClient.erc20(<root token address>, true); // root token

const result = await erc20Token.depositWithPermit(<amount>, <user address>);

const txHash = await result.getTransactionHash();
const receipt = await result.getReceipt();


depositClaim method is used for child tokens to claim their ERC20 token deposits.

const erc20Token = zkEvmClient.erc20(<child token address>); // child token

const result = await erc20Token.depositClaim(<transaction hash);

const txHash = await result.getTransactionHash();
const receipt = await result.getReceipt();

Token withdrawal methods


withdraw method can be used to initiate the withdrawal process which transfers tokens from zkEVM network to Ethereum.

const erc20Token = zkEvmClient.erc20(<child token address>); // child token

const result = await erc20Token.withdraw(<amount>, <user address);

const txHash = await result.getTransactionHash();
const receipt = await result.getReceipt();

The received transaction hash will be used to exit the withdraw process. So we recommend to store it.


withdrawExit method can be used to exit the withdrawal process by using the transaction hash from withdraw method. Note that the validity proof of withdraw transaction must be submitted in order to exit the withdrawal process.

const erc20Token = zkEvmClient.erc20(<root token address>, true); // root token

const result = await erc20Token.withdrawExit(<transaction hash>);

const txHash = await result.getTransactionHash();
const receipt = await result.getReceipt();