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After installation, use the client by running the following and adding the relevant commands:



Run miden-client --help for information on miden-client commands.


We configure the client using a TOML file (miden-client.toml).

endpoint = { protocol = "http", host = "localhost", port = 57291 }

database_filepath = "store.sqlite3"

The TOML file should reside in same the directory from which you run the CLI.

In the configuration file, you will find a section for defining the node’s endpoint and the store’s filename database_filepath.

By default, the node is set up to run on localhost:57291.


  • Running the node locally for development is encouraged.
  • However, the endpoint can point to any remote node.

Environment variables

  • MIDEN_DEBUG: When set to true, enables debug mode on the transaction executor and the script compiler. For any script that has been compiled and executed in this mode, debug logs will be output in order to facilitate MASM debugging (these instructions can be used to do so). This variable can be overriden by the --debug CLI flag.
