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Private peer-to-peer off-chain txs

In this section, we show you how to make private transactions and send funds to another account using the Miden client.

Prerequisite steps

Create a second account


Remember to use the Miden client documentation for clarifications.

  1. Create a second account to send funds with. Previously, we created a type basic-mutable account (account A). Now, create another basic-mutable (account B) using the following command:

    miden-client account new basic-mutable
  2. List and view the newly created accounts with the following command:

    miden-client account -l
  3. You should see two accounts:

    Result of listing miden accounts

Transfer assets between accounts

  1. Now we can transfer some of the tokens we received from the faucet to our second account B.

    To do this, run:

    miden-client tx new p2id --note-type private <regular-account-id-A> <regular-account-id-B> <faucet-account-id> 50 


    The faucet account id is 0xad904b3138d71d3e and can also be found on the Miden faucet website under the title Miden faucet.

    This generates a private Pay-to-ID (P2ID) note containing 50 assets, transferred from one account to the other.

  2. First, sync the accounts.

    miden-client sync
  3. Get the second note id.

    miden-client input-notes list 
  4. Have the second account consume the note.

    miden-client tx new consume-notes <regular-account-ID-B> <input-note-id>


    It’s possible to use a short version of the note id: 7 characters after the 0x is sufficient, e.g. 0x6ae613a.

    You should now see both accounts containing faucet assets with amounts transferred from Account A to Account B.


    Remember. The original amount was 333 tokens.

  5. Check the second account:

    miden-client account show <regular-account-ID-B> -v # Show account B's vault assets (50 fungible tokens)

    Result of listing miden accounts

  6. Check the original account:

    miden-client account show <regular-account-ID-A> -v

    Result of listing miden accounts

Wanna do more? Sending public notes
