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Bridging assets to zkEVM


Check the list of potential risks associated with the use of Polygon zkEVM in the Disclosures section.

Users can deposit assets from Ethereum and transact off-chain on Polygon zkEVM. For moving assets across chains (L1 ↔ zkEVM), you will need to use the zkEVM Bridge. The bridge interface is available for both Mainnet Beta and Testnet in the Polygon Wallet Suite.

The next video is a guide on how to bridge tokens from L1 to the zkEVM Testnet. The same video applies to the zkEVM Mainnet.

Step-by-step guide

Follow this step-by-step guide on how to bridge assets from Ethereum to Polygon zkEVM Mainnet and vice-versa. Or, from an Ethereum testnet to zkEVM testnet, and conversely.

Figure: wallet

  • Click on the Bridge wallet feature to access the zkEVM environment.

  • Set the amount of tokens to transfer from Ethereum network to zkEVM Mainnet (Or, from an Ethereum testnet to zkEVM testnet).

Figure: bridge2

  • Recent transactions and pending transactions can be viewed on the right hand side of the page.
  • Click the Bridge ETH to zkEVM testnet button to proceed. This is followed by Metamask’s prompt to approve gas to be spent.

Figure: metamask1

  • Click Confirm to approve the bridge transaction.

  • And allow a few moments for your transaction to be processed.

  • Once it is completed, past and pending transactions can be viewed by clicking the Transactions button located on the left side of the menu.

Figure: tx-history
